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1 Glossary The Glossary contains all the important terms used throughout the text. It includes the boldfaced terms that ...

Glossary The Glossary contains all the important terms used throughout the text. It includes the boldfaced terms that appear in the “Vocabulary” lists at the beginning of each lesson and in text and art. The Glossary lists the term, the pronunciation (in the case of difficult terms), the definition, and the page on which the term is defined. The pronunciations here and in the text follow the system outlined below. The column headed “Symbol” shows the spelling used in this book to represent the letter sounds.

P R O N U N C I AT I O N K E Y Sound a˘ a¯ a ä, o˘ ar ch e˘ e¯ er g ˘ı ¯ı

hat, map age, face care, their father, hot far child, much let, best beat, see, city term, stir, pur r grow it, hymn ice, five

j k o¯ ô o˙ oi ou s sh u˘ u ü w y z zh

page, fungi coat, look, chorus open, coat, grow order flaw, all voice out say, rice she, attention cup, flood put, wood, could rule, move, you win your says pleasure about, collide



As In

Symbol a ay eh ah ar ch e ee er g i y eye j k oh or aw oy ow s sh uh u oo w yu z zh uh

Example abscess (AB·ses) atrium (AY·tree·uhm) capillaries (KAP·uh·lehr·eez) biopsy (BY·ahp·see) cardiac (KAR·dee·ak) barbiturate (bar·BI·chuh·ruht) vessel (VE·suhl) acne (AK·nee) nuclear (NOO·klee·er) malignant (muh·LIG·nuhnt) bacteria (bak·TIR·ee·uh) benign (bi·NYN) iris (EYE·ris) cartilage (KAR·tuhl·ij) defect (DEE·fekt) aerobic (ehr·OH·bik) organ (OR·guhn) palsy (PAWL·zee) goiter (GOY·ter) fountain (FOWN·tuhn) dermis (DER·mis) conservation (kahn·ser·VAY·shuhn) bunion (BUHN·yuhn) pulmonary (PUL·muh·nehr·ee) attitudes (AT·i·toodz) warranty (WAWR·uhn·tee) urethra (yu·REE·thruh) hormones (HOR·mohnz) transfusion (trans·FYOO·zhuhn) asthma (AZ·muh)

Glossary A Abdominal thrust A quick inward and upward pull into the diaphragm to force an obstruction out of a person’s airway. (page 418)

Abstinence Not participating in unsafe behaviors or activities. (page 16 and page 232)

Abuse (uh·BYOOS) The physical, emotional, or mental mistreatment of another person. (page 258)

Accidental injuries Injuries caused by unexpected events. (page 394)

Acid rain Rain that is more acidic than normal. (page 431)

Addiction (uh·DIK·shuhn) A psychological or physical need for a drug or other substance. (page 282)

Adolescence (a·duhl·EH·suhns) The stage of life between childhood and adulthood, usually beginning somewhere between the ages of 11 and 15. (page 154)

Adrenaline (uh·DRE·nuhl·in) A hormone that increases the level of sugar in your blood, thereby giving your body extra energy. (page 199)

Advertising Messages designed to cause consumers to buy a product or service. (page 133)

Advocacy Taking action in support of a cause. (page 41)

Aerobic (ehr·OH·bik) exercise Rhythmic, non-

Allergy An extreme sensitivity to a substance. (page 365)

Alveoli (al·VEE·oh·ly) Fragile, elastic, microscopic air sacs in the lungs where carbon dioxide from body cells and fresh oxygen from the air are exchanged. (page 276)

Amphetamine (am·FE·tuh·meen) A strong stimulant drug that speeds up the nervous system. (page 310)

Anabolic steroids (a·nuh·BAH·lik STIR·oydz) Synthetic compounds that cause muscle tissue to develop at an abnormally high rate. (page 79)

Anaerobic (AN·ehr·oh·bik) exercise Intense physical activity that requires little oxygen but involves short bursts of energy. (page 57)

Angioplasty (AN·jee·uh·plas·tee) A surgical procedure in which an instrument with a tiny balloon attached is inserted into an artery to clear a blockage. (page 378)

Anorexia nervosa (a·nuh·REK·see·uh nuhr·VOH·suh) An eating disorder in which a person has an intense fear of weight gain and starves herself or himself. (page 110)

Antibodies Proteins that attach to antigens, keeping them from harming the body. (page 338)

Antigens (AN·ti·jenz) Substances that send the immune system into action. (page 338)

Antihistamine A medication that relieves the symptoms of allergic reactions by suppressing the production of histamines. (page 366)

stop, moderate-to-vigorous activity that requires large amounts of oxygen and works the heart. (page 57)

Anxiety disorder A disorder in which intense

Aftershock Secondary earthquake. (page 414) AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) A deadly disease that interferes with the

Arteriosclerosis (ar·tir·ee·oh·skluh·ROH·sis) A

body’s ability to fight infection. (page 348)

Alcohol A drug created by a chemical reaction in some foods, especially fruits and grains. (page 304)

Alcoholism An illness characterized by a physical and psychological need for alcohol. (page 308)

Allergen (AL·er·juhn) A substance that causes an allergic reaction. (page 365)

anxiety or fear keeps a person from functioning normally. (page 203) group of disorders that causes a thickening and hardening of the arteries. (page 376)

Artery A type of blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart to all parts of the body. (page 64)

Arthritis (ar·THRY·tuhs) A disease of the joints marked by painful swelling and stiffness. (page 382)

Assault A physical attack or a threat of an attack for the purpose of inflicting bodily injury. (page 252)



Glossary Assertive Willing to stand up for yourself in a firm but positive way. (page 323)

Asthma (AZ·muh) A chronic respiratory disease that causes air passages to become narrow or blocked, making breathing difficult. (page 367)

Astigmatism (uh·STIG·muh·tiz·uhm) An eye condition in which images are distorted, causing objects to appear wavy or blurry. (page 128)

Atherosclerosis (a·thuh·roh·skluh·ROH·sis) A condition that occurs when fatty substances build up on the inner lining of arteries. (page 376)


Bronchodilator (brahng·koh·DY·lay·tuhr) A medication that relaxes the muscles around the bronchial air passages. (page 369)

Bulimia nervosa (boo·LEE·mee·uh ner·VOH·suh) An eating disorder in which a person repeatedly eats large amounts of food and then purges. (page 110)

Bully Someone who uses threats, taunts, or violence to intimidate people who appear helpless. (page 256)

C Calorie (KA·luh·ree) A unit of heat that measures

Bacteria Tiny one-celled organisms that live nearly everywhere. (page 333)

Battery The beating, hitting, or kicking of another person. (page 259)

Benign (bi·NYN) Not cancerous. (page 370) Binge eating disorder An eating disorder in

the energy available in foods. (page 97)

Cancer A disease that occurs when abnormal cells grow out of control. (page 370)

Capillary A type of blood vessel that provides body cells with blood and connects arteries with veins. (page 64)

which a person repeatedly eats large amounts of food at one time. (page 110)

Carbohydrates (kar·boh·HY·drayts) The starches

Biodegradable Easily broken down in the envi-

Carbon monoxide (KAR·buhn muh·NAHK·syd)

ronment. (page 432)

Blizzard A very heavy snowstorm with winds of up to 45 miles per hour. (page 412)

Blood pressure The force of blood pushing against the walls of the blood vessels. (page 66)

Body composition The proportions of fat, bones, muscle, and fluid that make up body weight. (page 69)

Body language A type of nonverbal communication that includes posture, gestures, and facial expressions. (page 217)

Body Mass Index (BMI) A way to assess your body size, taking your height and weight into account. (page 108)

Body system A group of organs that work together to carry out related tasks. (page 168)

Brain The command center, or coordinator, of the nervous system. (page 314)

Bronchi (BRAHNG·ky) Two tubes that branch from the trachea; one tube leads to each lung. (page 278)



and sugars that provide energy. (page 88) A colorless, odorless, poisonous gas produced when tobacco burns. (page 274)

Carcinogen (kar·SI·nuh·juhn) A substance in the environment that causes cancer. (page 372)

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) A first-aid procedure to restore breathing and circulation. (page 417)

Cartilage A type of connecting tissue that allows joints to move easily, cushions bones, and supports soft tissues, such as those in the nose and ear. (page 60)

Cell The basic unit of life. (page 168) Central nervous system (CNS) The brain and the spinal cord. (page 314)

Character The way in which you think, feel, and act. (page 40)

Chemotherapy (kee·moh·THEHR·uh·pee) The use of powerful drugs to destroy cancer cells. (page 373)

Chest thrust A quick press into the middle of the breastbone to force an obstruction out of a person’s airway. (page 419)

Glossary Chlamydia (kluh·MI·dee·uh) A bacterial STD that may affect the reproductive organs, urethra, and anus. (page 347)

Cholesterol (kuh·LES·tuh·rawl) A waxy substance used by the body to build cells and make other substances. (page 91)

Chromosomes (KROH·muh·sohmz) Threadlike structures that carry the codes for inherited traits. (page 170)

Chronic (KRAH·nik) Present continuously or on and off over a long period of time. (page 365)

Cool-down Gentle exercises that let your body adjust to ending a workout. (page 71)

Coping skills Ways of dealing with and overcoming problems. (page 201)

Criteria (kry·TIR·ee·uh) Standards on which to base your decisions. (page 33)

Culture The beliefs, customs, and traditions of a specific group of people. (page 10)

Cumulative (KYOO·myuh·luh·tiv) risks Related risks that increase in effect with each added risk. (page 14)

Circulatory system The group of organs and tissues that transport essential materials to body cells and remove their waste products. (page 64)

Cirrhosis (suh·ROH·suhs) Scarring and destruction of liver tissue. (page 305)

Colon (KOH·luhn) A storage tube for solid wastes. (page 105)

Communicable (kuh·MYOO·ni·kuh·buhl) disease A disease that can be spread to a person from another person, an animal, or an object. (page 332)

Communication An exchange of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs among people. (page 216)

Comparison shopping Accessing information, comparing products, evaluating their benefits, and choosing products that offer the best value. (page 137)

Compromise To give up something in order to reach a solution that satisfies everyone. (page 227)

Conditioning Training to get into shape. (page 78) Conflict A disagreement between people with opposing viewpoints. (page 30 and page 244)

Conflict resolution Finding a solution to a disagreement or preventing it from becoming a larger conflict. (page 30)

Consequences The results of actions. (page 13) Conservation The saving of resources. (page 438)

Consumer (kuhn·SOO·mer) Anyone who buys products and services. (page 132)

Contagious period The length of time that a particular disease can be spread from person to person. (page 342)

D Dandruff A flaking of the outer layer of dead skin cells on the scalp. (page 125)

Decibel The unit for measuring the loudness of sound. (page 130)

Decision making The process of making a choice or solving a problem. (page 31)

Dehydration The excessive loss of water from the body. (page 77)

Deliberate injury An injury that results when one person intentionally harms another. (page 253)

Depressant (di·PRE·suhnt) A drug that slows down the body’s functions and reactions, including heart and breathing rates. (page 311)

Depression A mood disorder involving feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, worthlessness, guilt, and extreme sadness that continue for periods of weeks. (page 204)

Dermis (DER·mis) The skin’s inner layer, which contains blood vessels, nerve endings, hair follicles, sweat glands, and oil glands. (page 122)

Diabetes (dy·uh·BEE·tee*z) A disease that prevents the body from converting food into energy. (page 380)

Diaphragm (DY·uh·fram) Large, dome-shaped muscle below the lungs that expands and relaxes to produce breathing. (page 278)

Digestion (dy·JES·chuhn) The process by which the body breaks down food into smaller components that can be absorbed by the bloodstream and sent to each cell in your body. (page 102)



Glossary Digestive system A group of organs that work together to break down foods into substances that your cells can use. (page 102)

Disease Any condition that interferes with the proper functioning of your body or mind. (page 332)

Distress Stress that prevents you from doing what you need to do or that causes you discomfort. (page 198)

Drug A substance other than food that changes the structure or function of the body or mind. (page 300)

Drug abuse The use of a drug for nonmedical purposes. (page 309)


An agency of the United States government that is committed to protecting the environment. (page 435)

Epidermis (e·puh·DER·mis) The outermost layer of skin. (page 122)

Eustress (YOO·stress) Stress that can help you to accomplish goals. (page 198)

Evaluate To determine the quality of. (page 11) Excretion (ek·SKREE·shuhn) The process by which the body gets rid of waste materials. (page 104)

Excretory (EK·skruh·tohr·ee) system The system that removes wastes from the body and controls water balance. (page 104)

Exercise Physical activity that is planned, struc-

Earthquake A violent shaking of the earth’s surface. (page 414)

Eating disorder An extreme eating behavior that can lead to serious illness or even death. (page 110)

Electrical overload A dangerous situation in which too much electrical current flows along a single circuit. (page 398)

Embryo (EM·bree·oh) The developing organism from fertilization to about the eighth week of development. (page 169)

Emotions Feelings such as love, joy, or fear. (page 194)

Empathy The ability to identify and share another person’s feelings. (page 192)

Emphysema (em·fuh·ZEE·muh) A disease that destroys alveoli. (page 276)

Endocrine (EN·duh·kruhn) system Glands throughout the body that regulate body functions. (page 155)

Endorsem*nt (in·DAWR·smuhnt) A statement of approval. (page 133)

Endurance (in·DUR·uhnts) The ability to perform vigorous physical activity without getting overly tired. (page 56)

Environment (en·VY·ruhn·ment) All the living and nonliving things that surround you. (page 9)


Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)


tured, and repetitive and that improves or maintains personal fitness. (page 54)

F Family The basic unit of society. (page 220) Fatigue Extreme tiredness. (page 200) Fats Nutrients that supply energy, keep the skin healthy, and promote normal growth. (page 89)

Fertilization (fuhr·tuhl·uh·ZAY·shuhn) The joining of a male sperm cell and a female egg cell to form a new human life. (page 164)

Fetus (FEE·tuhs) The developing organism from the end of the eighth week until birth. (page 169)

Fiber The part of grains, fruits, and vegetables that the body cannot break down. (page 90)

First aid The immediate care given to someone who becomes injured or ill until regular medical care can be provided. (page 416)

First-degree burn A burn in which only the outer layer of skin is burned and turns red. (page 420)

Fitness The ability to handle the physical work and play of everyday life without becoming tired. (page 54)

Flammable Able to catch fire easily. (page 398) Flexibility The ability to move joints fully and easily. (page 57)

Glossary Fluoride (FLAWR·eyed) A substance that helps prevent tooth decay. (page 120)

Follicles (FAH·li·kuhlz) Small sacs in the dermis that produce hair. (page 122)

Food Guide Pyramid A guide for making healthful daily food choices. (page 95)

Fossil fuel The oil, coal, and natural gas used to provide energy. (page 430)

Fracture A break in a bone. (page 421) Fraud Deliberate deceit or trickery. (page 134) Frequency With regard to physical fitness, the number of days you work out each week. (page 72)

Friendship A relationship between people who like each other and who have similar interests and values. (page 226)

Fungi (FUHN·jy) Primitive life forms, such as molds or yeasts, that cannot make their own food. (page 333)

H Hallucinogen A drug that distorts moods, thoughts, and senses. (page 311)

Hate crime An illegal act against someone just because he or she is a member of a particular group. (page 253)

Hazard A potential source of danger. (page 394) Hazardous waste Human-made liquid, solid, or sludge waste that may endanger human health or the environment. (page 434)

Head lice Parasitic insects that live on the hair shaft and cause itching. (page 125)

Health A combination of physical, mental/ emotional, and social well-being. (page 4)

Health insurance A plan in which a person pays a set fee to an insurance company in return for the company’s agreement to pay some or all medical expenses. (page 144)

Health maintenance organization (HMO)

G Gang A group of people who associate with one another to take part in criminal activity. (page 254)

Generic (juh·NEHR·ik) products Products sold in plain packages at lower prices than brand name products. (page 137)

Genes The basic units of heredity. (page 170) Genital herpes (JEN·i·tuhl HER·peez) A viral STD that produces painful blisters in the genital area. (page 347)

Genital (JEN·i·tuhl) warts Growths or bumps in the genital area caused by certain types of the human papillomavirus (HPV). (page 347)

Germs Organisms that are so small that they can be seen only through a microscope. (page 332)

Gonorrhea (gah·nuh·REE·uh) A bacterial STD that affects the mucous membranes of the body, particularly in the genital area. (page 347)

Groundwater Water that collects under the earth’s surface. (page 432)

Gynecologist (gy·nuh·KAH·luh·jist) A doctor who specializes in the female reproductive system. (page 167)

A health insurance plan that contracts with selected physicians and specialists to provide medical services. (page 144)

Heart and lung endurance The measure of how effectively your heart and lungs work during moderate-to-vigorous physical activity or exercise. (page 56)

Heart attack A serious condition that occurs when the blood supply to the heart slows or stops, causing damage to the heart muscle. (page 376)

Hepatitis (he·puh·TY·tis) An inflammation of the liver characterized by yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes. (page 343)

Heredity (huh·RED·i·tee) The passing on of traits from biological parents to children. (page 9)

Histamine (HIS·tuh·meen) Chemical in the body that causes the symptoms of an allergic reaction. (page 366)

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) The virus that causes AIDS. (page 348)

Homicide (HAH·muh·syd) The killing of one human being by another. (page 252)

Hormones (HOR·mohnz) Chemical substances produced in certain glands that help to regulate the way your body functions. (page 154) GLOSSARY


Glossary Hurricane A strong windstorm with driving rain that originates at sea. (page 412)

Hygiene Cleanliness. (page 352) Hypertension (hy·per·TEN·shuhn) A condition in which blood pressure stays at a level that is higher than normal. (page 378)

Hypothermia A sudden and dangerous drop in body temperature. (page 412)


Intensity With regard to physical fitness, how much energy you use when you work out. (page 72)

Interpersonal communication The sharing of thoughts and feelings between two or more people. (page 29)

Intoxicated (in·TAHK·suh·kay·tuhd) Drunk. (page 307)

J Joint Place where two or more bones meet.

Illegal drugs Substances that it is against the law for people of any age to manufacture, possess, buy, or sell. (page 309)

Immune (i·MYOON) system A combination of body defenses made up of cells, tissues, and organs that fight off pathogens. (page 336)

Immunity The body’s ability to resist the pathogens that cause a particular disease. (page 340)

Individual sports Physical activities you can take part in by yourself or with another person, without being part of a team. (page 75)

Infancy (IN·fuhn·see) The first year of life. (page 173)

Infection A condition that occurs when pathogens enter the body, multiply, and damage body cells. (page 333)

Inflammation The body’s response to injury or disease resulting in a condition of swelling, pain, heat, and redness. (page 337)

Influenza (in·floo·EN·zuh) A communicable disease characterized by fever, chills, fatigue, headache, muscle aches, and respiratory symptoms. (page 342)

Infomercial (IN·foh·mer·shuhl) A long TV commercial whose main purpose seems to be to present information rather than to sell a product. (page 133)

Inhalant (in·HAY·luhnt) A substance whose fumes are breathed in to produce mind-altering sensations. (page 311)

Insulin (IN·suh·lin) A hormone produced in the pancreas that regulates the level of glucose in the blood. (page 380)

(page 59)

K Kidneys The organs that filter water and waste materials from the blood. (page 105)

L Landfill A huge, specially designed pit where waste materials are dumped and buried. (page 433)

Ligament A type of connecting tissue that holds bones in place at the joints. (page 60)

Liver The body’s largest gland, which secretes a liquid called bile that helps to digest fats. (page 104)

Long-term goal A goal that you plan to reach over an extended length of time. (page 37)

Lymphatic (lim·FA·tik) system A secondary circulatory system that helps the body fight pathogens and maintain its fluid balance. (page 338)

Lymphocytes (LIM·fuh·syts) Special white blood cells in the lymph. (page 338)

M Mainstream smoke The smoke that a smoker inhales and then exhales. (page 290)

Malignant (muh·LIG·nuhnt) Cancerous. (page 370) Managed care Health plans that emphasize preventive medicine and work to control the cost and maintain the quality of health care. (page 144)

Media The various methods for communicating information. (page 11)



Glossary Mediation (mee·dee·AY·shuhn) Resolving conflicts by using another person to help reach a solution that is acceptable to both sides. (page 250)

Medicine A drug that prevents or cures illness or eases its symptoms. (page 300)

Melanin (MEL·uh·nin) The substance that gives skin its color. (page 122)

Menstruation (men·stroo·WAY·shuhn) The flow of the uterine lining material from the body. (page 164)

Mental and emotional health Your ability to deal in a reasonable way with the stresses and changes of daily life. (page 188)

Metabolism The process by which the body gets energy from food. (page 155)

Minerals Nutrients that strengthen bones and teeth, help keep blood healthy, and keep the heart and other organs working properly. (page 89)

Mononucleosis (MAH·noh·noo·klee·OH·sis) A disease characterized by swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck and throat. (page 343)

Mood disorder A disorder in which a person undergoes mood changes that seem inappropriate or extreme. (page 204)

Muscle endurance The ability of a muscle to repeatedly exert a force over a prolonged period of time. (page 56)

Muscular system Tissues that move parts of the body and operate internal organs. (page 59)

N Narcotic A drug that relieves pain and dulls the senses. (page 311)

Neglect The failure to meet the basic physical and emotional needs of a person. (page 259)

Negotiation (ni·goh·shee·AY·shuhn) The process of discussing problems face-to-face in order to reach a solution. (page 249)

Neighborhood Watch A widespread crime prevention effort undertaken by residents of a particular segment of the community. (page 257)

Neuron (NOO·rahn) One of the cells that make up

Neutrality (noo·TRA·luh·tee) A promise not to take sides in a conflict. (page 250)

Nicotine (NIK·uh·teen) An addictive drug found in tobacco. (page 274)

Noncommunicable disease A disease that cannot be spread from person to person. (page 364)

Nonrenewable resources Substances that cannot be replaced once they are used. (page 438)

Nonverbal communication All the ways you can get a message across without using words. (page 217)

Nonviolent confrontation Resolving a conflict by peaceful methods. (page 248)

Nurture To provide for physical, mental, emotional, and social needs. (page 221)

Nutrient dense Having a high amount of nutrients relative to the number of calories. (page 100)

Nutrients (NOO·tree·ents) Substances in foods that your body needs in order to grow, have energy, and stay healthy. (page 88)

Nutrition (noo·TRI·shuhn) The process of taking in food and using it for energy, growth, and good health. (page 94)

O Objective Based on facts. (page 15) Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) A branch of the U.S. Department of Labor whose job is to ensure the protection of American workers. (page 435)

Ophthalmologist (ahf·thahl·MAH·luh·jist) A physician who specializes in the structure, functions, and diseases of the eye. (page 128)

Optometrist (ahp·TAH·muh·trist) A health care professional who is trained to examine the eyes for vision problems and to prescribe corrective lenses. (page 128)

Organ A body part made up of different tissues joined together to perform a function. (page 168)

Osteoarthritis (ahs·tee·oh·ar·THRY·tuhs) A chronic disease that is common in older adults and results from a breakdown of cartilage in the joints. (page 382)

the nervous system. (page 313) GLOSSARY


Glossary Ovaries (OH·vuh·reez) The female reproductive glands. (page 165)

Over-the-counter (OTC) medicine A medicine that you can buy without a doctor’s prescription. (page 301)

Overtraining Exercising too hard or too often, without enough rest in between sessions. (page 78)

Ovulation (ahv·yuh·LAY·shuhn) The process by which the ovaries release a single mature egg. (page 164)

Ozone A special form of oxygen. (page 431)

Pneumonia (nu·MOHN·yuh) A serious inflammation or infection of the lungs. (page 344)

Point-of-service (POS) plan A health insurance plan that combines the features of HMOs and PPOs. (page 144)

Pollen A powdery substance released by the flowers of certain plants. (page 365)

Pollution Dirty or harmful substances in the environment. (page 430)

Pores Tiny openings in the skin. (page 122) Preferred provider organization (PPO) A health insurance plan that allows its members to select a physician who participates in the plan or visit the physician of their choice. (page 144)

P Pancreas (PAN·kree·uhs) A gland that helps the small intestine by producing pancreatic juice, a blend of enzymes that breaks down proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. (page 104)

Passive smoker A nonsmoker who breathes secondhand smoke. (page 290)

Pathogens The germs that are responsible for causing disease. (page 333)

Pedestrian A person who travels on foot. (page 404)

Peer pressure The influence that people your age have on you to think and act like them. (page 228)

Peers People close to your age who are similar to you in many ways. (page 228)

Peripheral (puh·RIF·uh·ruhl) nervous system (PNS) The nerves that connect the central nervous system to all parts of the body. (page 314)

Personality A special mix of traits, feelings, attitudes, and habits. (page 189)

Physical activity Any kind of movement that causes your body to use energy. (page 54)

Physical dependence An addiction in which

Prejudice (PRE·juh·dis) A negative and unjustly formed opinion, usually against people of a different racial, religious, or cultural group. (page 245)

Preschooler A child between ages three and five. (page 174)

Prescription medicine A medicine that can be used safely only with a doctor’s written permission. (page 301)

Prevention Taking steps to make sure that something does not happen. (page 16)

Primary care provider A health care professional who provides checkups and general care. (page 143)

Proteins (PROH·teenz) Nutrients used to repair body cells and tissues. (page 88)

Protozoa (proh·tuh·ZOH·uh) One-celled organisms that have a more complex structure than bacteria. (page 333)

Psychological (sy·kuh·LAH·ji·kuhl) dependence An addiction in which a person believes that he or she needs a drug in order to feel good or function normally. (page 283)

Psychological (sy·kuh·LAH·ji·kuhl) fatigue

the body develops a chemical need for a drug. (page 283)

Extreme tiredness caused by a person’s mental state. (page 200)

Physical fatigue Extreme tiredness of the whole

Puberty (PYOO·buhr·tee) The time when you de-

body. (page 200)

Plaque (PLAK) A thin, sticky film that builds up on teeth and contributes to tooth decay. (page 122)

Plasma (PLAZ·muh) A yellowish fluid, the watery portion of blood. (page 66)



velop certain physical characteristics of adults of your own gender. (page 156)

Pulmonary (PUL·muh·nehr·ee) circulation Circulation that carries the blood from the heart, through the lungs, and back to the heart. (page 65)

Glossary R Radiation therapy A treatment that uses X rays or other forms of radioactivity for some types of cancer. (page 372)

Rape Forced sexual intercourse. (page 252) Recycle To change an item in some way so that it can be used again. (page 437)

Refusal skills Ways to say no effectively. (page 29) Reproduction (ree·pruh·DUHK·shuhn) The process by which living organisms produce others of their own kind. (page 160)

Reproductive (ree·pruh·DUHK·tiv) system Body organs and structures that make it possible to produce young. (page 160)

Rescue breathing A first-aid procedure in which someone forces air into the lungs of a person who is not breathing. (page 417)

Resilient Able to bounce back from a disappointment, difficulty, or crisis. (page 188)

Respiratory system The set of organs that supplies your body with oxygen and rids your body of carbon dioxide. (page 278)

Rheumatoid (ROO·muh·toyd) arthritis A

Second-degree burn A moderately serious burn in which the burned area blisters. (page 420)

Secondhand smoke Air that has been contaminated by tobacco smoke. (page 290)

Self-assessment Careful examination and judgment of your own patterns of behavior. (page 6)

Self-concept The view that you have of yourself. (page 190)

Self-esteem The confidence and pride you have in yourself. (page 191)

sem*n (SEE·muhn) A mixture of sperm and fluids produced in the male reproductive tract. (page 161)

Sewage Garbage, detergents, and other household wastes washed down drains. (page 432)

Sexual abuse Sexual contact that is forced upon another person. (page 259)

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) Infections that are spread from person to person through sexual contact. (page 346)

Short-term goal A goal that you can reach in a short length of time. (page 37)

Side effect A reaction to a medicine other than the one intended. (page 302)

chronic disease characterized by pain, inflammation, swelling, and stiffness of the joints. (page 382)

Sidestream smoke Smoke that comes from

Risk behaviors Actions or choices that may cause

Skeletal system The framework of bones and

injury or harm to you or to others. (page 12)

Risk factor A characteristic or behavior that increases the likelihood of developing a medical disorder or disease. (page 370)

Role model A person who inspires you to act or think in a certain way. (page 42)

S Safety conscious Being aware that safety is important and being careful to act in a safe manner. (page 394)

Saliva (suh·LY·vuh) A digestive juice produced by the salivary glands in your mouth. (page 103)

Saturated fats Fats that are solid at room temperature. (page 89)

the burning end of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar. (page 290) other tissues that supports the body. (page 59)

Small intestine A coiled tube, about 20 feet long, where most of the digestive process takes place. (page 104)

Smog A yellow-brown haze that forms when sunlight reacts with air pollution. (page 431)

Smoke alarm A device that sounds an alarm when it senses smoke. (page 399)

Specialist (SPE·shuh·list) A health care professional trained to treat patients who have problems in specific areas. (page 143)

Sperm The male reproductive cells. (page 161) Spinal cord A long bundle of neurons that relays messages to and from the brain and all parts of the body. (page 314)



Glossary Stimulant (STIM·yuh·luhnt) A drug that speeds up the body’s functions. (page 310)

Strength The ability of your muscles to exert a force. (page 55)

Strep throat A sore throat caused by streptococcal bacteria. (page 344)

Stress Your body’s response to changes around you. (page 28)

Stress management Identifying sources of stress and learning how to handle them in ways that promote good mental and emotional health. (page 28)

Stressor A trigger of stress. (page 198) Stroke A serious condition that occurs when an artery of the brain breaks or becomes blocked. (page 378)

Subjective Coming from a person’s own views and beliefs, not necessarily from facts. (page 15)

Suicide The act of intentionally killing oneself. (page 206)

Support system A network of people available

Tendon A type of connecting tissue that joins muscle to muscle or muscle to bone. (page 60)

Testes The pair of glands that produce sperm. (page 161)

Third-degree burn A very serious burn in which all layers of the skin are damaged. (page 420)

Tissue A group of similar cells that do a particular job. (page 168)

Toddler A child between the ages of one and three. (page 174)

Tolerance The body’s need for larger and larger doses of a drug to produce the same effect. (page 284)

Tornado A whirling, funnel-shaped windstorm that drops from the sky to the ground. (page 411)

Trachea (TRAY·kee·uh) The tube in the throat that takes air to and from the lungs. (page 278)

Tuberculosis (too·ber·kyuh·LOH·sis) A bacterial disease that usually affects the lungs. (page 343)

Tumor (TOO·mer) A group of abnormal cells that forms a mass. (page 370)

to help when needed. (page 205)

Syphilis (SI·fuh·lis) A bacterial STD that can


affect many parts of the body. (page 347)

Systemic (sis·TE·mik) circulation Circulation that sends oxygen-rich blood to all the body tissues except the lungs. (page 65)

Ultraviolet (UV) rays An invisible form of radiation from the sun that can penetrate and change the structure of skin cells. (page 124)

Unsaturated fats Fats that are liquid at room temperature. (page 89)


Uterus (YOO·tuh·ruhs) A pear-shaped organ

Tact The quality of knowing what to say to avoid offending others. (page 218)

in which a developing child is nourished. (page 165)

Tar A thick, dark liquid that forms when tobacco burns. (page 274)

Target heart rate The number of heartbeats per minute that you should aim for during moderate to vigorous activity to benefit your circulatory system the most. (page 72)

Tartar (TAR·ter) Hardened plaque that threatens gum health. (page 122)

Team sports Organized physical activities with specific rules, played by opposing groups of people. (page 75)



V Vaccine (vak·SEEN) A preparation of dead or weakened pathogens that is injected into the body to cause the immune system to produce antibodies. (page 340)

Values The beliefs that guide the way a person lives, such as beliefs about what is right and wrong and what is most important. (page 32)

Vein A type of blood vessel that carries blood back to the heart from all parts of the body. (page 64)

Glossary Verbal communication Using words to express yourself, either in speaking or in writing. (page 217)

Viruses (VY·ruh·suhz) The smallest and simplest disease-causing organisms. (page 333)

Vitamins Substances that help to regulate the body’s functions. (page 89)

Warranty A company’s or a store’s written agreement to repair a product or refund your money should the product not function properly. (page 138)

Weather emergency A dangerous situation brought on by changes in the atmosphere. (page 410)

Wellness A state of well-being, or balanced

W Warm-up Gentle exercise you do to prepare your muscles for moderate to vigorous activity. (page 71)

health. (page 7)

Withdrawal The unpleasant symptoms that someone experiences when he or she stops using an addictive substance. (page 282)



Glosario A Abdominal thrust/presión abdominal Una presión rápida, hacia adentro y arriba sobre el diafragma, para desalojar un objeto que bloquea la vía respiratoria de una persona. Abstinence/abstinencia No participar en conductas o actividades peligrosas. Abuse/abuso El maltrato físico, emocional o mental de otra persona.

Accidental injuries/lesiones accidentales Daños causados por sucesos inesperados. Acid rain/lluvia ácida Lluvia que es más ácida de lo normal. Addiction/adicción La necesidad psicológica o física de una droga u otra sustancia. Adolescence/adolescencia El periodo de vida entre la niñez y la adultez que empieza generalmente entre los 11 y los 15 años. Adrenaline/adrenalina Una hormona que aumenta el nivel de azúcar en la sangre, y por lo tanto, proporciona energía adicional al cuerpo. Advertising/publicidad Mensajes públicos diseñados para hacer que los consumidores compren un producto o servicio. Advocacy/promoción Actuar en apoyo de una causa.

Aerobic exercise/ejercicio aeróbico Actividad rítmica ininterrumpida de intensidad moderada a vigorosa que requiere grandes cantidades de oxígeno y hace que el corazón trabaje. Aftershock/onda posterior Terremoto secundario.

AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome)/SIDA (síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida) Una enfermedad mortal que interfiere con la habilidad del cuerpo para combatir infecciones. Alcohol/alcohol Una droga producida por una reacción química en algunos alimentos, especialmente frutas y granos.


Alcoholism/alcoholismo Una enfermedad que se caracteriza por la necesidad física y psicológica de consumir alcohol. Allergen/alergeno Una sustancia que causa una reacción alérgica. Allergy/alergia Una sensibilidad extrema a una sustancia. Alveoli/alveolos Cavidades frágiles, elásticas y microscópicas en los pulmones, donde se intercambian el bióxido de carbono que proviene de las células del cuerpo y el oxígeno puro que viene del aire. Amphetamine/anfetamina Una droga estimulante fuerte que acelera el sistema nervioso.

Anabolic steroids/esteroides anabólicos Compuestos sintéticos que hacen que el tejido muscular se desarrolle con rapidez anormal.

Anaerobic exercise/ejercicio anaeróbico Actividad física intensa que requiere poco oxígeno pero exige breves brotes de energía. Angioplasty/angioplastia Una operación quirúrgica en la que un instrumento con un globo diminuto se introduce en una arteria para remover una obstrucción. Anorexia nervosa/anorexia nerviosa Un trastorno en la alimentación por el cual una persona sufre de un intenso temor a aumentar de peso y por consiguiente deja de comer. Antibodies/anticuerpos Proteínas que se pegan a los antígenos, impidiendo que éstos le hagan daño al cuerpo. Antigens/antígenos Sustancias que provocan el funcionamiento del sistema inmunológico. Antihistamine/antihistamínico Una medicina que alivia los síntomas de una reacción alérgica mediante la supresión de la producción de las histaminas.

Anxiety disorder/trastorno de ansiedad Un trastorno en el cual la ansiedad intensa o el miedo impide que una persona funcione de manera normal. Arteriosclerosis/arteriosclerosis Un conjunto de trastornos que provoca el engrosamiento y endurecimiento de las arterias.

Glosario Artery/arteria Un tipo de vaso sanguíneo que lleva sangre desde el corazón a las demás partes del cuerpo. Arthritis/artritis Una enfermedad de las articulaciones caracterizada por inflamación dolorosa y anquilosamiento. Assault/asalto Un ataque físico o la amenaza de tal con el fin de causar daño corporal. Assertive/firme Dispuesto a defenderse de manera resuelta y positiva. Asthma/asma Una enfermedad respiratoria crónica que causa el estrechamiento u obstrucción de las vías respiratorias y dificulta la respiración. Astigmatism/astigmatismo Una afección del ojo que causa que las imágenes se vean distorsionadas y los objetos aparezcan ondulados o borrosos. Atherosclerosis/aterosclerosis Una afección causada por la acumulación de sustancias grasas en las paredes internas de las arterias.


Body Mass Index (BMI)/Índice de masa corporal Una manera de evaluar el tamaño del cuerpo al tomar en cuenta la estatura y el peso.

Body system/aparato o sistema corporal Un grupo de órganos que trabajan juntos para ejecutar funciones relacionadas. Brain/cerebro El centro de mando, o el coordinador, del sistema nervioso. Bronchi/bronquios Dos conductos que salen de la tráquea; cada conducto va a un pulmón. Bronchodilator/broncodilatador Una medicina que relaja los músculos alrededor de los bronquios. Bulimia nervosa/bulimia nerviosa Un trastorno en la alimentación por el cual una persona come grandes cantidades y después se induce el vómito. Bully/bully Persona que mediante amenazas, burlas o violencia intimida a personas que parecen ser indefensas.

C Calorie/caloría Una unidad de calor que mide la

Bacteria/bacterias Organismos diminutos unicelulares que viven en casi todas partes. Battery/agresión Dar palizas, golpear o dar puntapiés a otra persona. Benign/benigno No canceroso.

Binge eating disorder/trastorno de la alimentación compulsiva Un trastorno en la alimentación por el cual una persona repetidamente come grandes cantidades de alimentos de una vez. Biodegradable/biodegradable Que se descompone fácilmente en el medio ambiente. Blizzard/ventisca Una tormenta de nieve fuerte, con vientos que llegan a 45 millas por hora. Blood pressure/presión arterial La fuerza que ejerce la sangre contra las paredes de los vasos sanguíneos.

Body composition/composición del cuerpo La proporción de grasa, hueso, músculo y líquidos que componen el peso del cuerpo. Body language/lenguaje corporal Un tipo de comunicación no verbal que incluye la postura, los gestos y las expresiones faciales.

energía que contienen los alimentos. Cancer/cáncer Una enfermedad causada por células anormales cuyo crecimiento está fuera de control. Capillary/capilar Un tipo de vaso sanguíneo que proporciona sangre a las células del cuerpo y conecta las arterias con las venas. Carbohydrates/hidratos de carbono Los almidones y azúcares que proporcionan energía.

Carbon monoxide/monóxido de carbono Un gas incoloro, inodoro y tóxico que produce el tabaco al quemarse. Carcinogen/carcinógeno Una sustancia en el medio ambiente que produce cáncer.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)/ resucitación cardiopulmonar Un procedimiento de primeros auxilios para restaurar la respiración y la circulación de la sangre. Cartilage/cartílago Un tipo de tejido conjuntivo que permite que las articulaciones se muevan fácilmente, protege los huesos y sostiene los tejidos blandos como los de la nariz y la oreja. GLOSARIO


Glosario Cell/célula La unidad básica de la vida. Central nervous system (CNS)/sistema nervioso central El cerebro y la médula espinal.

Character/carácter La manera en que piensas, sientes y actúas.

Chemotherapy/quimioterapia El uso de drogas potentes para destruir células cancerosas. Chest thrust/presión torácica Una presión rápida en el centro del esternón para desalojar un objeto que bloquea la vía respiratoria de una persona. Chlamydia/clamidia Una infección de transmisión sexual bacterial que puede afectar los órganos de reproducción, la uretra y el ano. Cholesterol/colesterol Una sustancia cerosa que el cuerpo usa para crear células y otras sustancias. Chromosomes/cromosomas Estructuras filiformes que contienen los códigos genéticos de los rasgos hereditarios. Chronic/crónico Que está siempre presente o reaparece repetidamente durante un largo periodo de tiempo. Circulatory system/aparato circulatorio El conjunto de los órganos y los tejidos que transportan materias esenciales a las células del cuerpo y se llevan los desechos. Cirrhosis/cirrosis La cicatrización y destrucción del tejido del hígado. Colon/colon Un conducto donde se almacenan los desechos sólidos.

Communicable disease/enfermedad contagiosa Una enfermedad que se puede propagar a una persona de otra persona, un animal o un objeto. Communication/comunicación El intercambio de pensamientos, sentimientos y creencias entre personas.

Comparison shopping/comparación de productos Obtener información, comparar productos, evaluar sus beneficios y escoger los que ofrecen el mejor valor. Compromise/acordar Llegar a un acuerdo en el que se cede algo para alcanzar una solución que satisfa*ga a todos. Conditioning/entrenamiento Preparación que se hace para ponerse en forma.



Conflict/conflicto Un desacuerdo entre personas con puntos de vista opuestos.

Conflict resolution/resolución de un conflicto Hallar una solución a un desacuerdo o impedir que se transforme en un conflicto mayor. Consequences/consecuencias Los resultados de los actos. Conservation/conservación La protección de los recursos naturales. Consumer/consumidor Toda persona que compra productos y servicios. Contagious period/periodo de contagio El periodo de tiempo en que se puede transmitir una enfermedad determinada de una persona a otra. Cool-down/recuperación Ejercicios moderados que permiten que el cuerpo se ajuste al ir finalizando el plan de ejercicios.

Coping skills/capacidad para sobrellevar Métodos para tratar y superar los problemas. Criteria/criterios Principios en que se basa una decisión. Culture/cultura Las creencias, costumbres y tradiciones de un grupo específico de personas.

Cumulative risks/riesgos acumulativos Riesgos relacionados cuyos efectos aumentan con cada uno que se añade.

D Dandruff/caspa Las escamas de piel muerta en la superficie del cuero cabelludo. Decibel/decibel La unidad que se usa para medir el volumen del sonido. Decision making/tomar decisiones El proceso de hacer una selección o de resolver un problema. Dehydration/deshidratación La pérdida excesiva de agua del cuerpo. Deliberate injury/Lesión deliberada Lesión que resulta cuando una persona intencionalmente daña a otra. Depressant/depresivo Una droga que disminuye las funciones y reacciones del cuerpo, incluso el ritmo cardiaco y la respiración.

Glosario Depression/depresión Un trastorno del ánimo

Emotions/emociones Sentimientos como el

en el que una persona se siente sin esperanza, indefensa, despreciable, culpable y sumamente triste durante periodos que duran varias semanas. Dermis/dermis La capa interna de la piel que contiene vasos sanguíneos, terminaciones nerviosas, folículos pilosos, glándulas sudoríparas y glándulas sebáceas. Diabetes/diabetes Una enfermedad que impide que el cuerpo convierta alimentos en energía. Diaphragm/diafragma Músculo grande en forma de domo, situado debajo de los pulmones, que se expande y se relaja para producir la respiración. Digestion/digestión El proceso corporal de descomponer los alimentos en componentes más pequeños para que la sangre los pueda absorber y llevar a cada célula del cuerpo. Digestive system/aparato digestivo Un conjunto de órganos que trabajan juntos para descomponer los alimentos en sustancias que tus células puedan usar. Disease/enfermedad Todar afección que interfiere con el buen funcionamiento del cuerpo o de la mente. Distress/angustia Estrés que impide que hagas lo que necesitas hacer o que te causa molestia. Drug/droga Una sustancia no alimenticia que causa cambios en la estructura o el funcionamiento del cuerpo o la mente. Drug abuse/abuso de drogas El uso de drogas para propósitos no médicos.

amor, la alegría o el miedo. Empathy/empatía La habilidad de identificar y comprender los sentimientos de otra persona. Emphysema/enfisema Una enfermedad que destruye los alveolos.

E Earthquake/terremoto El sacudimiento violento de la superficie de la tierra.

Eating disorder/trastorno en la alimentación Una conducta de alimentación extrema que puede causar enfermedades graves o la muerte. Electrical overload/sobrecarga eléctrica Una situación peligrosa en que demasiada corriente eléctrica fluye a través de un solo circuito. Embryo/embrión El organismo en desarrollo desde la fecundación hasta aproximadamente la octava semana del desarrollo.

Endocrine system/sistema endocrino Glándulas en todo el cuerpo que regulan sus funciones. Endorsem*nt/aprobación Una declaración de aceptación. Endurance/resistencia La habilidad de realizar actividades físicas vigorosas sin cansarse demasiado. Environment/medio ambiente Todas las cosas vivas y no vivas que te rodean.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)/Agencia de Protección Ambiental Una agencia del gobierno de Estados Unidos a cargo de la protección del medio ambiente. Epidermis/epidermis La capa más externa de la piel. Eustress/estrés positivo Tensión que puede ayudarte a lograr tus metas. Evaluate/evaluar Determinar la calidad de algo. Excretion/excreción El proceso mediante el cual el cuerpo se deshace de los desechos. Excretory system/sistema excretor El sistema que despide los desechos del cuerpo y controla el balance del agua. Exercise/ejercicio Actividad física planeada, estructurada y repetitiva que mejora o mantiene la buena salud.

F Family/familia La unidad básica de la sociedad. Fatigue/fatiga Cansancio extremo. Fats/grasas Nutrientes que proporcionan energía, mantienen la piel saludable y fomentan el desarrollo normal. Fertilization/fecundación La unión de un espermatozoide y un óvulo para formar un nuevo ser humano. Fetus/feto El organismo en desarrollo desde el final de la octava semana hasta el nacimiento. GLOSARIO


Glosario Fiber/fibra La parte de los granos, frutas y vegetales que el cuerpo no puede descomponer. First aid/primeros auxilios El cuidado inmediato que se da a una persona herida o enferma hasta que sea posible proporcionarle ayuda médica normal.

First-degree burn/quemadura de primer grado Una quemadura en que sólo la capa exterior de la piel se quema y se enrojece. Fitness/buen estado físico La capacidad de participar en el trabajo físico y en las diversiones de la vida diaria sin cansarse demasiado. Flammable/inflamable Que se prende fuego con facilidad. Flexibility/flexibilidad La capacidad de mover las articulaciones completa y fácilmente. Fluoride/fluoruro Una sustancia que ayuda a prevenir las caries dentales. Follicles/folículos Sacos pequeños en la dermis que producen el vello.

Genes/genes Las unidades básicas de la herencia. Genital herpes/herpes genitales Una infección de transmisión sexual, causada por un virus, que produce ampollas dolorosas en el área genital. Genital warts/verrugas genitales Erupciones o protuberancias en el área genital causadas por ciertos tipos del virus papiloma de los seres humanos. Germs/gérmenes Organismos tan diminutos que se ven sólo a través de un microscopio. Gonorrhea/gonorrea Una infección de transmisión sexual causada por bacterias que afecta las membranas mucosas del cuerpo, en particular en el área genital. Groundwater/agua subterránea Agua acumulada debajo de la superficie de la tierra. Gynecologist/ginecólogo Un médico que se especializa en el aparato reproductor femenino.


Food Guide Pyramid/Pirámide Nutricional Una guía para realizar selecciones de alimentos sanas a diario. Fossil fuel/combustible fósil El petróleo, carbón y gas natural que se usan para proporcionar energía. Fracture/fractura Una rotura en un hueso. Fraud/fraude Engaño o decepción deliberada. Frequency/frecuencia En cuanto al estado físico, la cantidad de veces que uno hace ejercicio a la semana. Friendship/amistad Una relación entre personas que simpatizan y tienen intereses y valores similares. Fungi/hongos Seres vivos primitivos tales como mohos o levaduras que no pueden hacer sus propios alimentos.

G Gang/pandilla Un grupo de personas que se relacionan para participar en actividades criminales.

Generic products/productos genéricos Productos que se venden en envases comunes y a menor precio que los de marca.



Hallucinogen/alucinógeno Una droga que altera el estado de ánimo, los pensamientos y los sentidos. Hate crime/crimen por odio Un acto ilegal cometido en contra de una persona simplemente porque pertenece a un grupo en particular. Hazard/peligro Una fuente posible de peligro.

Hazardous waste/desechos peligrosos Desechos líquidos, sólidos o fangosos, producidos por el hombre, que pueden perjudicar la salud del ser humano o el medio ambiente. Head lice/piojos Insectos parasíticos que viven en el cabello y causan picazón. Health/salud Una combinación de bienestar físico, mental/emocional y social. Health insurance/seguro de salud Un plan en el que una persona paga una cantidad fija a una compañía de seguros que acuerda en cubrir parte o la totalidad de los gastos médicos.

Health maintenance organization (HMO)/organización para el mantenimiento de la salud Un plan de seguro de salud que contrata a ciertos médicos y especialistas para dar servicios médicos.

Glosario Heart and lung endurance/resistencia cardiaca y respiratoria La indicación de la eficacia del corazón y de los pulmones durante actividades físicas o ejercicios de intensidad moderada a vigorosa. Heart attack/ataque cardiaco Una afección seria que se presenta cuando el flujo de sangre al corazón disminuye o cesa, dañando el músculo cardiaco. Hepatitis/hepatitis Una inflamación del hígado, en que la piel y el blanco del ojo se ponen amarillos. Heredity/herencia La transferencia de características de los padres biológicos a sus hijos. Histamine/histamina Sustancia química en el cuerpo que provoca los síntomas de una reacción alérgica.

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus)/VIH (virus de inmunodeficiencia humana) El virus que causa el SIDA. Homicide/homicidio Darle muerte una persona a otra. Hormones/hormonas Sustancias químicas, producidas por ciertas glándulas que ayudan a regular las funciones del cuerpo. Hurricane/huracán Una tormenta de vientos y lluvia torrencial que se origina en alta mar. Hygiene/higiene Limpieza. Hypertension/hipertensión Una afección en que la presión arterial de una persona se mantiene a niveles más altos de lo normal. Hypothermia/hipotermia Un descenso rápido y peligroso de la temperatura del cuerpo.

Individual sports/deportes individuales Actividades físicas en que puedes participar solo o con otra persona, sin formar parte de un equipo. Infancy/infancia El primer año de vida. Infection/infección Una afección que se produce cuando agentes patógenos invaden el cuerpo, se multiplican y dañan las células. Inflammation/inflamación La reacción del cuerpo a lesiones o enfermedades que resulta en hinchazón, dolor, calor y enrojecimiento. Influenza/influenza Una enfermedad contagiosa, que se caracteriza por fiebre, escalofríos, fatiga, dolor de cabeza, dolores musculares y síntomas respiratorios. Infomercial/anuncio informativo Un anuncio de televisión largo cuyo propósito principal parece ser proveer información acerca de un producto en vez de vender el producto. Inhalant/inhalante Una sustancia cuyos gases se aspiran para producir sensaciones alucinantes. Insulin/insulina Una hormona producida en el páncreas que regula el nivel de glucosa en la sangre. Intensity/intensidad En cuanto al estado físico, la cantidad de energía que usas cuando haces ejercicio.

Interpersonal communication/comunicación entre personas El compartir pensamientos y sentimientos entre dos o más personas. Intoxicated/embriagado Borracho.

J Joint/articulación Lugar en donde se unen dos

I Illegal drugs/drogas ilegales Sustancias cuya producción, posesión, compra o venta por personas de cualquier edad va en contra de la ley.

Immune system/sistema inmunológico Una combinación de las defensas del cuerpo, compuesta de células, tejidos y órganos que combaten agentes patógenos. Immunity/inmunidad La habilidad del cuerpo de resistir los patógenos que causan una enfermedad en particular.

o más huesos.

K Kidneys/riñones Los órganos que filtran el agua y los desechos de la sangre.

L Landfill/terraplén sanitario Un pozo enorme con diseño específico donde se arrojan y se entierran desechos.



Glosario Ligament/ligamento Un tipo de tejido conjuntivo que mantiene en su lugar los huesos en las articulaciones. Liver/hígado La glándula más grande del cuerpo que secreta un líquido llamado bilis que ayuda a digerir las grasas. Long-term goal/meta a largo plazo Un objetivo que planeas alcanzar en un largo periodo de tiempo. Lymphatic system/sistema linfático Un aparato circulatorio secundario que le ayuda al cuerpo a defenderse de agentes patógenos y a mantener el equilibrio de los líquidos. Lymphocytes/linfocitos Glóbulos blancos especiales en la linfa.

enfermedad que se caracteriza por la hinchazón de los ganglios linfáticos en el cuello y la garganta.

Mood disorder/trastorno del estado de ánimo Un trastorno en que la persona cambia de humor de manera aparentemente inapropiada o extrema.

Muscle endurance/resistencia muscular La habilidad que tiene un músculo para ejercer una fuerza repetidamente durante un largo periodo de tiempo. Muscular system/sistema muscular Tejidos que mueven partes del cuerpo y hacen funcionar los órganos internos.


M Mainstream smoke/humo directo El humo que el fumador aspira y exhala. Malignant/maligno Canceroso.

Managed care/asistencia médica regulada Planes de salud que hacen hincapié en la medicina preventiva y tratan de controlar el costo y mantener la calidad de la asistencia médica. Media/medios de difusión Los diversos métodos de comunicar información. Mediation/mediación La resolución de conflictos por medio de otra persona que ayuda a llegar a una solución aceptable para ambas partes. Medicine/medicina Una droga que previene o cura enfermedades o que alivia sus síntomas. Melanin/melanina La sustancia que le da el color a la piel. Menstruation/menstruación La eliminación de materia celular de la capa de la mucosa uterina.

Mental and emotional health/salud mental y emocional La habilidad de hacerle frente de manera razonable al estrés y a los cambios de la vida diaria. Metabolism/metabolismo El proceso mediante el cual el cuerpo obtiene energía de los alimentos. Minerals/minerales Nutrientes que fortalecen los huesos y los dientes, mantienen la salud de la sangre y el buen funcionamiento del corazón y otros órganos.


Mononucleosis/mononucleosis Una


Narcotic/narcótico Una droga que alivia el dolor y entorpece los sentidos. Neglect/abandono El no satisfacer las necesidades básicas físicas y emocionales de una persona. Negotiation/negociación El proceso de hablar de un problema cara a cara para llegar a una solución.

Neighborhood Watch/vigilancia en el barrio Un esfuerzo colectivo y general de prevención del delito por parte de los residentes de un segmento particular de una comunidad. Neuron/neurona Una de las células que componen el sistema nervioso. Neutrality/neutralidad Una promesa de no tomar partido durante un conflicto entre otros. Nicotine/nicotina Una droga adictiva que se encuentra en el tabaco.

Noncommunicable disease/enfermedad no contagiosa Una enfermedad que no se puede transmitir de una persona a otra.

Nonrenewable resources/recursos no renovables Sustancias que no se pueden reemplazar después de usarse.

Nonverbal communication/comunicación no verbal Todos los modos de comunicar un mensaje sin usar palabras.

Nonviolent confrontation/confrontación no violenta Resolver un conflicto por medios pacíficos.

Glosario Nurture/criar Proporcionar las necesidades físicas, emocionales, mentales y sociales a una persona. Nutrient dense/denso en nutrientes Tener una alta cantidad de sustancias nutritivas en comparación con la cantidad de calorías. Nutrients/nutrientes Sustancias en los alimentos que el cuerpo necesita para desarrollarse, tener energía y mantenerse saludable. Nutrition/nutrición El proceso de ingerir alimentos y usarlos para la energía, el desarrollo y el mantenimiento de la buena salud.

O Objective/objetivo Basado en los hechos. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)/Administración de Salud y Seguridad Ocupacional Una rama del Ministerio de Trabajo que protege la seguridad de los trabajadores estadounidenses. Ophthalmologist/oftalmólogo Médico que se especializa en la estructura, funciones y enfermedades del ojo. Optometrist/optómetra Un profesional de la salud que está preparado para examinar la vista y recetar lentes correctivos. Organ/órgano Una parte del cuerpo que comprende distintos tejidos unidos para cumplir una función particular. Osteoarthritis/osteoartritis Una enfermedad crónica, común en los ancianos, que es el resultado de la degeneración del cartílago de las articulaciones. Ovaries/ovarios Las glándulas reproductoras femeninas.

Over-the-counter (OTC) medicine/ medicina sin receta Una medicina que se puede comprar sin receta de un médico.

Overtraining/entrenamiento excesivo Hacer demasiado ejercicio o con demasiada frecuencia, sin descanso suficiente entre sesiones. Ovulation/ovulación El proceso mediante el cual los ovarios desprenden un único óvulo maduro. Ozone/ozono Un tipo especial de oxígeno.

P Pancreas/páncreas Una glándula que le ayuda al intestino delgado, a través de la producción de jugo pancreático, que está formado por una mezcla de varias enzimas que descomponen las proteínas, hidratos de carbono y grasas. Passive smoker/fumador pasivo Una persona que no fuma pero que inhala humo secundario. Pathogens/patógenos Los gérmenes que causan enfermedades. Pedestrian/peatón Una persona que se traslada a pie. Peer pressure/presión de pares La influencia que personas de la misma edad tienen sobre otra para que piense y actúe igual que ellas. Peers/pares Personas de tu grupo de edad que se parecen a ti en muchas maneras.

Peripheral nervous system (PNS)/sistema nervioso periférico Los nervios que unen el sistema nervioso central a todas partes del cuerpo. Personality/personalidad Una mezcla especial de rasgos, sentimientos, actitudes y hábitos. Physical activity/actividad física Todo movimiento que cause que el cuerpo use energía.

Physical dependence/dependencia física Una adicción por la cual el cuerpo llega a tener una necesidad química de una droga. Physical fatigue/fatiga física Cansancio extremo de todo el cuerpo. Plaque/placa bacteriana Una película delgada y pegajosa que se acumula en los dientes y contribuye a las caries dentales. Plasma/plasma Un líquido amarillento, la parte líquida de la sangre. Pneumonia/pulmonía Inflamación o infección seria de los pulmones.

Point-of-service (POS) plan/plan de lugar del servicio Un plan de seguro médico que combina las características de las organizaciones para el mantenimiento de la salud y las organizaciones de proveedores preferidos. Pollen/polen Una sustancia en forma de polvo, despedida por las flores de ciertas plantas. GLOSARIO


Glosario Pollution/contaminación Sustancias sucias o dañinas en el medio ambiente. Pores/poros Pequeños orificios en la piel.

Preferred provider organization (PPO)/ organización de proveedores preferidos Un plan de seguro de salud que permite que sus miembros seleccionen a un médico que participa en el plan o a uno de su preferencia. Prejudice/prejuicio Una opinión negativa e injusta, generalmente en contra de personas de otro grupo racial, religioso o cultural. Preschooler/niño preescolar Un niño entre las edades de tres y cinco años.

Prescription medicine/medicina bajo receta Una medicina que sólo puede usarse sin

Rape/violación Relaciones sexuales forzadas. Recycle/reciclar Cambiar un objeto de alguna manera para que se pueda volver a usar.

Refusal skills/destrezas de negación Modos eficaces de decir que no. Reproduction/reproducción El proceso mediante el cual los organismos vivos producen otros de su especie.

Reproductive system/aparato reproductor Los órganos y estructuras del cuerpo que hacen posible engendrar hijos.

Rescue breathing/respiración de rescate Un procedimiento de primeros auxilios en el que una persona llena de aire los pulmones de una persona que no está respirando.

riesgo con la autorización de un médico. Prevention/prevención Tomar medidas para asegurarse de que algo no suceda.

Resilient/con capacidad de recuperación

Primary care provider/profesional médico principal Un profesional de la salud que

Respiratory system/aparato respiratorio

proporciona exámenes médicos y cuidado general. Proteins/proteínas Nutrientes que se usan para reparar las células y tejidos del cuerpo. Protozoa/protozoos Organismos unicelulares que tienen una estructura más compleja que las bacterias.

Psychological dependence/dependencia psicológica Una adicción en la que una persona cree que necesita una droga para sentirse bien o funcionar de manera normal.

Psychological fatigue/fatiga psicológica Cansancio extremo causado por el estado mental de una persona. Puberty/pubertad La etapa de la vida en la cual una persona comienza a desarrollar ciertas características físicas propias de los adultos del mismo sexo.

Pulmonary circulation/circulación pulmonar La circulación que lleva la sangre desde el corazón, a través de los pulmones y de regreso al corazón.

R Radiation therapy/radioterapia Un tratamiento que utiliza rayos X u otro tipo de radiactividad para algunos tipos de cáncer.



Tener la habilidad de regresar a un estado normal después de una decepción, dificultad o crisis. El conjunto de órganos que proporciona oxígeno al cuerpo y que elimina el bióxido de carbono.

Rheumatoid arthritis/artritis reumatoide Una enfermedad crónica caracterizada por dolor, inflamación, hinchazón y anquilosamiento de las articulaciones.

Risk behaviors/conductas arriesgadas Actos o decisiones que pueden causar lesiones o daños a ti o a otros. Risk factor/factor de riesgo Una característica o conducta que aumenta la posibilidad de llegar a tener un problema médico o enfermedad. Role model/modelo de conducta Una persona que inspira a otras a que se comporten o piensen de cierta manera.

S Safety conscious/consciente de la seguridad Que se da cuenta de la importancia de la seguridad y actúa con cuidado. Saliva/saliva Un líquido digestivo producido por las glándulas salivales de la boca. Saturated fats/grasas saturadas Grasas que son sólidas a la temperatura del ambiente.

Second-degree burn/quemadura de segundo grado Una quemadura moderadamente seria en la que se forman ampollas en el área quemada.

Glosario Secondhand smoke/humo secundario Aire

Spinal cord/médula espinal Un largo conjunto

que está contaminado por el humo del tabaco. Self-assessment/autoevaluación Examen y valoración minuciosos de tus propios patrones de conducta. Self-concept/autoconcepto La manera en que te ves a ti mismo. Self-esteem/autoestima La confianza y orgullo que tienes de ti mismo. sem*n/sem*n Una mezcla de espermatozoides con los líquidos producidos por el sistema reproductor masculino. Sewage/aguas cloacales Basura, detergentes y otros desechos caseros que se llevan las tuberías de desagüe. Sexual abuse/abuso sexual El contacto sexual forzado por una persona.

de neuronas que transmiten mensajes entre el cerebro y todas las otras partes del cuerpo. Stimulant/estimulante Una droga que acelera las funciones del cuerpo. Strength/fortaleza La capacidad que tienen los músculos para ejercer una fuerza. Strep throat/estreptococia Un dolor de garganta causado por bacterias estreptocócicas. Stress/estrés La reacción del cuerpo a los cambios a su alrededor. Stress management/control del éstres La identificación de lo que causa el estrés y aprender cómo reaccionar a ello de manera que permita mantener la buena salud mental y emocional. Stressor/factor estresante Algo que provoca el estrés. Stroke/apoplejía Una afección seria que se produce cuando una arteria en el cerebro se rompe o se obstruye. Subjective/subjetivo Que proviene de las opiniones y creencias de una persona y no necesariamente de los hechos. Suicide/suicidio Matarse intencionalmente. Support system/sistema de asistencia Un grupo de personas dispuestas a ayudar cuando haya necesidad. Syphilis/sífilis Una infección de transmisión sexual, causada por una bacteria, que puede afectar muchas partes del cuerpo.

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)/ enfermedades de transmisión sexual (ETS) Enfermedades que se propagan de una persona a otra, a través de contacto sexual. Short-term goal/meta a corto plazo Una meta que uno puede alcanzar dentro de un breve periodo de tiempo. Side effect/efecto colateral Una reacción inesperada de una medicina. Sidestream smoke/humo indirecto Humo que procede de un cigarrillo, pipa o cigarro encendido.

Skeletal system/sistema osteoarticular La armazón de huesos y otros tejidos que sostiene el cuerpo. Small intestine/intestino delgado Un conducto enrollado, de unos 20 pies de largo, donde tiene lugar la mayor parte de la digestión. Smog/smog Una neblina de color amarillo-café que se forma cuando la luz solar reacciona con la contaminación del aire.

Smoke alarm/alarma contra incendios Un aparato que hace sonar una alarma cuando detecta humo. Specialist/especialista Un profesional de la salud preparado para tratar pacientes con problemas en áreas específicas. Sperm/espermatozoides Las células reproductoras masculinas.

Systemic circulation/circulación sistémica Circulación que lleva sangre rica en oxígeno a todos los tejidos del cuerpo, menos a los pulmones.

T Tact/tacto La habilidad de saber lo que se debe decir para no ofender a los demás. Tar/alquitrán Un líquido espeso y oscuro que forma el tabaco al quemarse.

Target heart rate/ritmo deseado del corazón El número de latidos del corazón, por minuto, que una persona debe tratar de alcanzar durante una actividad de intensidad moderada a vigorosa, para obtener lo máximo posible de beneficio para el aparato circulatorio.



Glosario Tartar/sarro Placa bacteriana endurecida que amenaza la salud de las encías.

Uterus/útero Un órgano en forma de pera en el cual un bebé en desarrollo se nutre.

Team sports/deportes en equipo Actividades físicas organizadas, con reglas específicas que juegan grupos opuestos de personas. Tendon/tendón Un tipo de tejido conjuntivo que une un músculo a otro o un músculo a un hueso. Testes/testículos Las dos glándulas que producen los espermatozoides.

Third-degree burn/quemadura de tercer grado Una quemadura muy seria en que todas las capas de la piel quedan dañadas. Tissue/tejido Un grupo de células similares que tienen una función en particular. Toddler/niño que empieza a andar Un niño entre uno y tres años. Tolerance/tolerancia La necesidad del cuerpo de mayores cantidades de una droga para obtener el mismo efecto. Tornado/tornado Una tormenta en forma de torbellino, que gira en grandes círculos y que cae del cielo a la tierra. Trachea/tráquea El conducto en la garganta por donde pasa el aire mientras entra y sale de los pulmones. Tuberculosis/tuberculosis Una enfermedad causada por bacterias que generalmente afecta a los pulmones. Tumor/tumor Un grupo de células anormales que forma una masa.

U Ultraviolet (UV) rays/rayos ultravioletas Una forma invisible de radiación solar que puede penetrar y cambiar la estructura de las células de la piel.

Unsaturated fats/grasas no saturadas Grasas que son líquidas a la temperatura del ambiente.



V Vaccine/vacuna Un preparado de gérmenes muertos o debilitados que se inyecta en el cuerpo para hacer que el sistema inmunológico produzca anticuerpos. Values/valores Las creencias que guían la manera en que una persona vive, tales como creencias sobre el bien y el mal y lo que tiene importancia. Vein/vena Un tipo de vaso sanguíneo que lleva la sangre de todas partes del cuerpo de regreso al corazón.

Verbal communication/comunicación verbal El uso de palabras, escritas o habladas, para expresarse. Viruses/virus Los organismos más pequeños y simples, que causan enfermedades. Vitamins/vitaminas Sustancias que ayudan al cuerpo a regular sus funciones.

W Warm-up/precalentamiento Ejercicios leves que se hacen a fin de preparar el cuerpo para una actividad de intensidad moderada a vigorosa. Warranty/garantía La promesa escrita de un fabricante o una tienda de reparar un producto o devolver el dinero al comprador, si el producto no funciona debidamente.

Weather emergency/emergencia del tiempo Una situación peligrosa debido a cambios en la atmósfera.

Wellness/bienestar general Un estado de buena salud, o salud balanceada.

Withdrawal/síndrome de abstinencia Los síntomas desagradables que se producen cuando alguien deja de usar una sustancia a la que es adicto.

Index Note: Page numbers in italics refer to art and marginal features.

A Abdominal thrusts, 418– 419 Abstinence, 232–233 behaviors supporting, 234 birth control/disease prevention as only sure method of, 233 commitment to, 233 definition of, 16 from premarital sexual activity, 232–233, 350–351 for risk reduction, 16, 176 substance use and commitment to, 232 Abuse, 258–263 breaking cycle of, 261–262 causes of, 260 of drugs, 309 emotional, 259 in families, 258 help for, 262–263 interventions for, 262 neglect, 259 physical, 258, 259 prevention of, 260, 262 sexual, 259 silence about, 260–261 warning signs of, 259 Accident chain, 395–397 Accidental injuries, 394–395 and drug/alcohol use, 317–319 and head protection, 316 preventing, 316, 401– 402 responding to. See First aid in sports, 76 Accidents, 394 Acetaminophen, 301 Achilles tendon, 60 Acid, digestive, 103, 104 Acid rain, 431 Acne, 123 Addiction to alcohol, 304 to drugs/alcohol, 320, 322 to tobacco, 282–284, 286 Adolescence, 154–159, 174, 175 emotional development during, 157–158 endocrine system during, 155 and hormones, 154 mental development during, 157 physical development during, 156 social development during, 159 Adrenal glands, 155 Adrenaline, 199 Adulthood, 174–177 Adults choking first aid for, 418– 419 communicating openly with, 163, 167

seeking help from, 191, 195, 204, 256, 407 as source of information, 27 Advertising, 133–135, 284, 285 Advice, 222 Advocacy, 41 for positive body image, 110 for safe driving, 406 for tooth care, 121 for waste management, 442– 443 Aerobic exercise, 57, 58, 68 Affection, showing, 351 After-school programs, 257 Aftershocks (earthquakes), 414 AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), 124, 348, 350. See also HIV Air pollution, 430, 435 Air quality index, 431 Alcohol, 304–308 abstinence from, 16, 232, 233 and accidental injuries, 317, 318 addiction to, 304 alternatives to using, 322 as cause of violence, 253 chemical dependency on, 304 as depressant, 311 and driving, 307 effects of, 305 help for abuse of, 322 illegal use of, 232 and nervous system disorders, 315 physical risks/consequences of using, 318, 319 reasons for avoiding, 322 refusal skills for, 323, 326–327 risks of using, 318–321 Alcoholism, 308 Allergens, 365 Allergies, 302, 365–366 Allergists, 143 Alternative activities alcohol- and drug-free events, 322 tobacco-free events, 288 Alveoli, 276, 279 American Cancer Society, 163, 167, 289 American Heart Association, 289 American Lung Association, 289 American Red Cross, 408 Amino acids, 88 Amphetamines, 310 Anabolic steroids, 79, 161 Anaerobic exercise, 57 Analyzing influences, 28. See also Influences class health survey for, 10 on personality, 189 on sexual behavior, 358–359 on tobacco use, 294–295

Anger, 195, 196, 247 Angioplasty, 378 Anorexia nervosa, 110 Antibiotics, 301 Antibodies, 338, 339 Antigens, 338, 339, 340 Antihistamines, 301, 366 Anus, 105 Anvil (ear), 130 Anxiety disorders, 203 Anxiety (in grieving process), 196 Aorta, 65 Appreciation, showing, 224 Arterial diseases, 376 Arteries, 64, 378, 420 Arteriosclerosis, 376 Arthritis, 382–383 Assertiveness, 323 Asthma, 280, 367–369 Astigmatism, 128, 129 Atherosclerosis, 376 Atria, 65 Attention, 36 Attitudes, 40, 192, 193 Audiologists, 151 Auditory canal, 130 Avocados, 89

B B cells, 338, 339 Bacteria, 333–335 Balance in health, 7, 26, 319 sense of, 130 Ball-and-socket joints, 60 Barbiturates, 311 Bathrooms, safety in, 401 Battery, 259 Beans, 88, 95, 96 Behavior(s) avoiding unhealthful, 197 diseases resulting from, 364 for good character, 40 and mental/emotional health, 192, 193 and personality, 189 practicing healthful, 28 by avoiding eyestrain, 129 at breakfast, 99 for cancer prevention, 373–375 for fire safety, 424– 425 for keeping food safe, 92 for maintaining parents’ trust, 43 for managing anger, 247 for protecting immune system, 354 for respiratory system, 281 risk, 12–17, 197 abstinence from, 16


Index avoiding, 231 consequences of, 13 cultural factors in, 10 and cumulative risk, 14 definition of, 12 drug use as, 312 emotional confusion and, 197 in media, 17 percentage of teens participating in, 14 related to drug/alcohol use, 319 and self-esteem, 197 signaling conflict escalation, 246 unique to different generations and populations, 74 Benign tumors, 370 Better Business Bureau, 141 Bicycling, 405 Bile, 104 Billboards, influence of, 11 Binge eating disorder, 110 Biodegradable materials, 432, 433, 436 Bipolar disorder, 204 Birth and infancy, 173 Bladder, 105 Bladder cancer, 276 Bleeding, first aid for, 420 Blended families, 220 Blizzards, 412 Blood, 66–67, 90 circulation of, 65 diseases transmitted through, 335 transmission of HIV through, 349 Blood pressure, 66 Blood vessels, 64, 65 alcohol’s effects on, 305 factors straining, 68 and heart disease, 376, 377 in skin, 123 BMI. See Body mass index Body composition, 69, 109 Body image, 110 Body language, 195, 217, 219 Body mass index (BMI), 108, 109 Body systems, 168 building blocks of, 168 circulatory system, 64–68 digestive system, 102–104, 106–107 endocrine system, 155 excretory system, 104–107 female reproductive system, 164–167 immune system, 336–340 male reproductive system, 160–163 muscular system, 59, 61–63 nervous system, 313–317 respiratory system, 278–281 skeletal system, 59–60, 63 tobacco’s effects on, 275–276 Bones, 59–60, 89, 90, 421 Braces, 122 Brady Law, 257 Brain, 305, 314, 317 Brain stem, 314 Breads, 88–90, 95, 96 Breakfast, 99



Breast cancer, 371 Breathing, 278–280 Breathing, rescue, 417, 418 Bronchi, 278, 279 Bronchioles, 279 Bronchodilators, 369 Bruises, 421 Brushing teeth, 120, 121 Bulimia nervosa, 110 Bullies, 196, 256 Burns, first aid for, 420 Butter, 89 Buying decisions. See Consumer choices Bypass surgery, 378

C Calcium, 89 Calories, 97 burned during sports, 77 from fat, 91 in snack foods, 100 and weight management, 109 Camping safety, 409 Cancer, 370–375 from alcohol use, 305 causes of, 372 in females, 166 lung, 280 in males, 162 prevention of, 373–375 risk factors for, 370, 371 from secondhand smoke, 290 and tobacco use, 274, 275, 276 treatment of, 372–373 types of, 370, 371 warning signs of, 375 Capillaries, 64, 65, 279 Carbohydrates, 88, 99 Carbon dioxide, 65, 104, 279 Carbon monoxide, 274, 275, 290 Carcinogens, 372 Cardiac muscle, 61, 64 Cardiologists, 143 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), 417, 418 Cardiovascular system. See Circulatory system Career goals, 37 Careers in health audiologist, 151 chiropractor, 427 dentist, 297 dietitian, 117 exercise and aerobics instructor, 49 family counselor, 241 health teacher, 23 mediator, professional, 269 neurologist, 329 osteopath, 389 pediatrician, 183 psychiatrist, 213 public health specialist, 445 school nurse, 361 sports medicine, 85

Caring, 41, 207, 217, 222, 227, 232, 288, 395 Carson, Ben, 42 Cartilage, 60 CAUTION (signs of cancer), 375 Celebrity endorsem*nts, 33 Cells, 168, 169. See also specific cell types Central nervous system (CNS), 314, 315 Cereals, 89, 90, 95, 96 Cerebellum, 314 Cerebral palsy, 315 Cerebrum, 314 Cervix, 165 Changes, 154 coping with, 196–197 emotional, 157–158 mental, 157 physical, 156 during pregnancy, 170 during puberty, 156–159 social, 159 Character, 40– 43, 191 and advocacy, 41 and caring, 41, 207, 217, 232, 288, 395 and citizenship, 9, 41, 320, 349 development of, 42 and fairness, 41, 250 peer respect for, 230 and perseverance, 37 and respect, 40, 156, 224, 259 and responsibility, 40, 41, 175, 406 traits of good character, 40, 41 and trustworthiness, 34, 40, 227 Checkups. See Health screenings Cheese, 95, 96, 98 Chemical dependency, 283. See also Addiction on alcohol, 304, 320 on drugs, 320 on nicotine, 286 social consequences of, 320 on substances, 320 Chemotherapy, 373 Chest thrusts, 419 Chewing, 103 Chewing tobacco, 275 Chicken pox, 342 Childhood, 174 Children choking first aid for, 418– 419 growth and development of, 174, 175 Chiropractors, 427 Chlamydia, 347 Chloride, 89 Choice(s) consumers’ right to choose, 140 food, 94–101 health, 8, 10–11 making. See Decision making and self-esteem, 197 Choking, first aid for, 418– 419 Cholesterol, 91 Chromosomes, 170–172 Chronic diseases, 365 Chyme, 104

Index Cigarettes, 275 Cigars, 275 Circulatory system, 64–68, 276 Cirrhosis, 305 Citizenship, 9, 41, 320, 349 Class health survey, 10 Cleanliness. See Hygiene Climate (of school, home, community), health and, 9 Clothing, workout, 70 Club drugs, 311 Clubs, 226 CNS. See Central nervous system Cocaine, 310–311 Cochlea, 130 “Cold turkey” quitting, 289 Colds, 280, 341, 342 Colon, 102, 105 Colon and rectum cancer, 371 Communicable diseases, 332–355 causes of, 332–335 chicken pox, 342 common colds, 341 definition of, 332 and drug use, 335 flu, 342 hepatitis, 343 HIV and AIDS, 348–350 and hygiene, 353 and the immune system, 336–340 measles, 342 mononucleosis, 343 mumps, 342 pneumonia, 344 prescribed medicines for, 354 preventing spread of, 349, 352–355 prevention of, 333 and sexual abstinence, 350 sexually transmitted diseases, 346–351 strep throat, 344 tuberculosis, 343 vaccinations for, 345, 345 Communication, 216–217, 224 about death and dying, 175 demeaning statements, 246 Communication skills, 29, 218. See also Refusal skills with bullies, 196 and constructive feedback, 218 exercising consumer rights, 140 with family members, 223 listening skills, 219 practicing, 238–239 speaking skills, 219 speaking up, 260–261 Communities information resources in, 27 safety in, 41, 257, 407 violence in, 253 Community health, 145 and acts of revenge, 245 contributing talents to, 41 environmental factors in, 9 and gangs, 9 influences on, 10 and media antismoking messages, 282

media influence on, 11 negative effects of abuse on, 258 technology influence on, 11 Comparison shopping, 137–138 Complex carbohydrates, 88 Composting, 433 Compromise, 227, 248 Concern, demonstrating, 222 Conditioning, 78 Conflict, 244–247 common causes of, 244–245 definition of, 30, 244 and demeaning statements, 246 escalation of, 246 prevention of, 246 Conflict resolution, 30, 248–251 achieving win-win situations in, 250–251 compromise for, 248 and keeping cool under pressure, 266–267 through negotiation, 249 peer mediation for, 250 school programs for, 256 T.A.L.K. strategy for, 249 Connecting neurons, 313 Connecting tissue, 60 Consequences advance consideration of, 176 of alcohol/drug use, 320 of premarital sexual activity, 350 responsibility for, 157 of risk behavior, 13 Conservation, 438– 439 Constructive feedback, 188, 191, 218 Consumer advocates, 141 Consumer choices, 132–141 and advertising, 133–135 influences on, 132–135 responsibility in making, 136–138 and rights of consumers, 139–141 of teens, 136 Consumer, definition of, 132 Consumers Union, 141 Contact lenses, 129 Contagious diseases. See Communicable diseases Contagious period, 342 Cool-down exercises, 71 Coping skills, 201 Core ethical values, 192 Corn, 88 Cornea, 127, 128 Corneal modification surgery, 129 Counseling for abuse, 262, 263 for alcohol/drug abuse, 322 for families, 222–223 for mental/emotional problems, 205 Couples (family unit), 220 CPR. See Cardiopulmonary resuscitation Crack, 311 Crime(s) and alcohol/drug use, 321 deliberate injuries from, 252, 253

hate, 253 violent, 252–253 Crisis hot lines, 262 Criteria for decision making, 33 Critical thinking, 31 Crunches, 56 Culture, 10, 94, 133 Cumulative risks, 14 Curl-ups, 56 Cuticles, 126 Cyanide, 275


Daily Value, 92, 93 Dairy products, 88, 89, 95, 96, 98 Dandruff, 125 Deafness, 130, 131 Death(s) from accidents, 394 from alcohol use, 305 from cancer, 371 coping with, 223 from smoking-related illnesses, 274, 286, 290 Decibels, 130 Decision making, 31–35 to avoid tobacco, 287 for balancing activities, 75 for developing new interests, 176 on fast-food choices, 114–115 H.E.L.P. criteria for, 33 when helping troubled friends, 206 with peer pressure, 229 about personal health, 7, 8, 32–33 process of, 34 risks and benefits of, 277 for safety, 396, 404 when smoking bothers you, 277 when taking medicines, 302 and values, 32–33 Decongestants, 301 Dehydration, 77 Deliberate injuries as result of conflict, 256 from violent crime, 252, 253 Demeaning statements, 246 Denial (in grieving process), 196 Dental screenings, 107, 120 Dentists, 297 Dependence psychological vs. physical, 283 on tobacco/alcohol/drugs, 283, 304 Depressants, 311 Depression, 196, 200, 204 Dermatologists, 143 Dermis, 122 Development. See Growth and development Diabetes, 109, 380–381 Diaphragm, 278, 279 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 90–91, 98 Dietitians, 117 Diet(s). See also Nutrition fad, 111 and heart disease, 376



Index Digestion, 102 Digestive system, 102–104, 106–107, 276 Dignity, treating others with, 246 Disease prevention. See also specific diseases for communicable diseases, 333 health department services for, 145 immunizations for, 300 personal hygiene for, 353 wellness exams for, 142 Diseases and air pollution, 431 alcoholism, 308 arterial, 376 in children of smokers, 291 communicable. See Communicable diseases cultural factors in developing, 10 definition of, 332 and germs, 332–333 noncommunicable. See Noncommunicable diseases pathogens causing, 332 and secondhand smoke, 290 and weight, 109 Distress, 198 Divorce, coping with, 222 Doctors, 143 Down syndrome, 172 Dress codes, 256 Drinking water, 432 Driving safety, 307, 404– 406 Drowning prevention, 408 Drugs, 300–312, 318–323 abstinence from, 232, 233 abuse of, 309, 315 and accidental injuries, 317, 318 for AIDS treatment, 349 alcohol, 304–308 alternative to using, 322 amphetamines, 310 anabolic steroids, 79, 161 and brain damage, 317 as cause of violence, 253 cocaine/crack, 310 dangers of using, 312 depressants, 311 help for abuse of, 322 illegal, 232, 309 marijuana, 309 medicines as, 300–303 physical risks/consequences of using, 318, 319 reasons for avoiding, 322 refusal skills for, 323, 326–327 risks of using, 318–321 stimulants, 310–311 use/abuse of, 14, 309–312 Drunk driving, 307 Dry beans, 89, 95, 96 Dust mites, 367

E E. coli bacteria, 335 Ears, 130–131



Earthquakes, 414, 415 Eating. See Foods; Nutrition Eating disorders, 110 Education access to, 9 consumer, 140 Egg cells, 165, 171 Eggs (food), 88, 95, 96 ejacul*tion, 161 Electric shocks, prevention of, 402 Electrical overload, 398 Embryo, 169 Emergencies first aid for, 416– 421 supply kits for, 412 weather, 410– 413 Emission control standards, 430 Emotional abuse, 259 Emotional changes (during pregnancy), 170 Emotional development, 157–158 Emotional health. See Mental/emotional health Emotional needs, 221 Emotions, 158, 194–195 communicating, 224 confusion about, 197 expression of, 5, 158, 195 identifying/recognizing, 5, 194 managing, 5 and stress, 199 Empathy, 192 Emphysema, 276, 280 Endocrine system, 155 Endorsem*nts, 133 Endurance, 56–57, 68 Energy conservation of, 438 physical, 77, 90, 97, 109 and sleep, 201 Environment, 9, 430– 439 diseases related to, 364 energy conservation, 438 and individual/community health, 9, 10 male sterility and hazards in, 162 and personality, 189 and pollution, 430– 436 protection of, 435– 439 school, 9 and waste management, 436– 437 water conservation, 439 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 435 Enzymes, 103, 104 EPA. See Environmental Protection Agency Epidermis, 122 Epididymis, 161 Epiglottis, 103, 278 Esophagus, 103 Eustachian tube, 130 Eustress, 198 Evaluate/evaluation, 11, 134 Excretion, 104 Excretory system, 104–107, 276

Exercise and aerobics instructors, 49 Exercise(s), 54. See also Physical activity and fitness aerobic, 57, 58, 68 anaerobic, 57 selecting, 58 strength-building, 56, 58 stretching, 57 warm-up/cool-down, 71 Exhaling, 279 Extended families, 220, 224 External influences, 8 Extracurricular activities, 226 Eye contact, 219 Eyeglasses, 129 Eyes, 90, 127–129

F Facilities, health care, 143 Fad diets, 111 Failures, learning from, 191 Fairness, 41, 250 Fallopian tubes, 165 Falls, preventing, 401 Families, 220–225 abuse in, 258, 260, 262–263 and buying decisions, 133 changes/challenges in, 222–223 and health choices, 10 negative effects of abuse on, 258 and personal health, 221 as resources for help, 205 risks of drugs/alcohol to, 321 strengthening relationships in, 224–225 stress and health of, 28, 198, 222 types of, 220 valuing members of, 224 violence shelters for, 263 Family counselors, 241 Family emergency plans, 412 Farsightedness, 128, 129 FAS. See Fetal alcohol syndrome Fast-food choices, 114–115 Fat cells, 122 Fat-soluble vitamins, 89 Fatigue, 200 Fats, 89, 91, 97, 98 Fear, 195, 196, 261 Feces, 105 Feedback, 188, 191, 218 Feelings. See Emotions Females adolescent physical changes in, 156 alcohol tolerance of, 306 cancer self-exams for, 374 chromosomes determining, 171 daily food group servings for, 96 reproductive system in, 164–167 Fertilization, 164, 165, 172 Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), 315 Fetus, 169 Fever, 337 Fiber, 90, 106 Fights, 246, 256. See also Conflict resolution

Index Fingernails, 126 Fires caused by cooking, 398 safety, 398– 400 First aid, 416– 421 for bleeding, 420 for burns, 420 cardiopulmonary resuscitation, 417, 418 for choking, 418– 419 First-degree burns, 420 Fish, 95, 96, 98 F.I.T. formula, 72 Fitness, 54, 69–73. See also Physical activity and fitness Flammable materials, 398 Flexibility, physical, 57, 58 Floods, 413 Flossing (teeth), 120, 121 Flu, 280, 342 Fluoride, 120 Focus on the future, 36 Foldables for accident chain, 393 for air pollution, 429 for allergies and asthma, 363 for building health skills, 25 for changes during adolescence, 153 for communicable diseases, 331 for conflict, 243 for fitness elements, 53 for medicine use, 299 for mental/emotional health, 187 for nutrients, 87 for personal care information, 119 for three aspects of health, 3 for tobacco, 273 for verbal and nonverbal communication, 215 Follicles, 122 Food groups, 77, 95–98 Food Guide Pyramid, 95–98, 106 Foods. See also Nutrition contaminated, 334–335 digestive breakdown of, 106 fast food choices, 114–115 for healthful meals, 98–100 influences on choices of, 94 nutrient dense, 100, 101 for nutritious snacks, 100, 101 safe handling of, 90, 92 Formaldehyde, 275 Fossil fuels, 430, 431, 438 Fractures, bone, 421 Framework, health, 8, 10 Fraud, 134 Friends, 226–227 and consumer choices, 133 disagreements with, 250 and food choices, 94 and health choices, 11 helping, 206–207 importance of, 226 qualities of, 227 seeking help from, 195 Fruits, 88–90, 95, 96

Fungi, 333 Future, focus on, 36

G Gallbladder, 104 Gangs, 253–254 and individual and community health, 9 strategies for avoiding, 254 Garbage, 432 Gastric juice, 103 Generational differences in choice of sports, 74 in illness prevention, 343 in spending patterns, 136 Generic products, 137–138 Genes, 170. See also Heredity Genetic disorders, 172 Genital herpes, 347 Genital warts, 347 Germs, 332–335. See also Pathogens Gestures, 219 Glands, 122, 154, 155, 161 Gliding joints, 60 Glucose, 380, 381 Goal setting, 36–39 and achieving goals, 37 benefits of, 36 for fitness, 69, 82–83 for heart disease prevention, 386–387 and managing habits, 38 plan for, 38, 39 recognizing strengths/limitations in, 36 for self-esteem, 191 short- and long-term goals, 37 Gonorrhea, 347 Government consumer rights agencies of, 141 health care programs of, 145 pollution prevention by, 435 tobacco industry regulation by, 276 Grains, 88–90 Grieving, 196, 223 Grieving process, acceptance of, 196 Groundwater, 432 Growth and development, 154–177 during adolescence, 154–159, 174 during adulthood, 175 and alcohol/drug use, 318 building blocks of, 168 during childhood, 174 endocrine system influence on, 155 of female reproductive system, 164–167 fertilization stage of, 165 of fetus after fertilization, 169 and heredity, 170–172 individual rates of, 157 during infancy, 173 of male reproductive system, 160–163 during pregnancy, 169 and preparation for adulthood, 175–177 Growth patterns individual differences in, 156 and weight, 108

Guardians communicating with, 163, 167, 351 health information from, 368, 372 Guilt (in grieving process), 196 Gums, 120–122 Gun safety, 257, 403 Guns, 253 Gynecologists, 143, 167

H Habits, 38, 406 Hair, 124–125 Hair follicles, 122 Hallucinogens, 311 Hammer (ear), 130 Handwashing, 353 Harassment, sexual, 259 Hate crimes, 253 Hazardous wastes, 434 Hazards, 394 Head lice, 125 Health, 4. See also Personal health care; specific topics and choices you make, 10 community. See Community health and environment, 9 and family, 10 framework for, 8, 10 friends’ influence on, 11, 227 and heredity, 9 influences on, 8–11 measuring, 6 media’s influence on, 11 mental/emotional, 5 peer pressure’s influence on, 228 physical, 4 and physical activity, 55 prenatal, 170 and risk behaviors, 12–17 social, 5 and wellness, 7 Health care services, 142–145. See also Personal health care Health departments (governmental), 145 Health in Action healthy habits, 271 mental/emotional health, 185 nutrition, 51 personal health, 1 safety, 391 Health insurance, 144 Health Inventories, online, 3, 25, 53, 87, 119, 153, 187, 215, 243, 273, 299, 331, 363, 393, 429 Health maintenance organizations (HMOs), 144 Health Online allergies and asthma, 365 depression, 205 eyes, 128 fitness goals, 71 immune system, 338 inventories, chapter, 3, 25, 53, 87, 119, 153, 187, 215, 243, 273, 299, 331, 363, 393, 429



Index nutrition, 92 peer pressure, 228 reducing/reusing/recycling waste, 438 respiration, 279 severe weather/weather emergencies, 411 stress, 201 substance abuse, 311 violence warning signs, 255 Health screenings, 355 dental, 107, 120 for diabetes, 381 gynecological, 167 for teen females, 166, 167 for teen males, 162, 163 vision, 128 wellness exams, 142 Health skills, 26–39, 41. See also specific skills accessing information, 27 analyzing influences, 28 for balanced health, 26 communication skills, 29 conflict resolution, 30 decision making, 31–35 goal setting, 36–39 interpersonal communication, 29–30 practicing healthful behaviors, 28 refusal skills, 29 self-management, 27, 28 stress management, 28 Health survey, class, 10 Health teachers, 23 Health triangle, 5, 6 interrelationships in, 5, 7, 54 skills for balance in, 26 wellness and balance in, 7 Hearing, 130–131 Heart, 68, 72, 305 Heart and lung endurance, 56, 68 Heart disease, 109, 276, 376–379 Heart transplants, 379 H.E.L.P. decision-making criteria, 33, 229 Hepatitis, 312, 343, 347 Heredity, 9, 170–172, 189, 376 Hernias, 162 Hidden messages, 133, 284 High blood pressure, 305, 378 Hiking safety, 409 Hinge joints, 60 Histamines, 366 HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), 348–350. See also AIDS abstinence for prevention of, 233 and alcohol use, 319 and drug use, 312, 319 Hives, 366 HMOs. See Health maintenance organizations Home, safety in, 401 Honesty, 191, 218 Hormones, 154, 155, 161, 199 Hospices, 143 Hot lines, 262, 322, 403 Human papillomavirus (HPV), 347



Hurricanes, 412 Hurt feelings, 196, 244 Hygiene, 352, 353 Hypertension, 378 Hypnotics, 311 Hypothermia, 412

I “I” messages, 219, 246 Ibuprofen, 301 Ideas, subjective vs. objective, 15 Identity, 159, 190 Illness. See Diseases Image ads, 134 Immune system, 336–340, 354 Immunity (to disease), 340 Immunizations, 300, 340, 345, 355 Inadequacy (in grieving process), 196 Individual differences in adolescent development, 157 respect for, 192 Individual health and acts of revenge, 245 caring for. See Personal health care environmental factors contributing to, 9 and gangs, 9 generational/population differences related to, 74 influences on, 10, 28 and media antismoking messages, 282 media influence on, 11 risks/benefits of decision making about, 277 and stress, 28, 198 technology influence on, 11 Individual sports, 75 Infants choking first aid for, 419 growth and development of, 173, 174 of smoking mothers, 291 Infections as cause of nervous system damage, 315 definition of, 333 ear, 131 immune system’s response to, 339 Infertility, 166 Inflammation, 337, 338 Influences analyzing. See Analyzing influences on consumer choices, 133 on food choices, 94 on health, 8–11 internal/external, 28 Influenza, 280, 342 Infomercials, 133, 134 Information Accessing information, 27 on drinking problems, 307 on heart health, 377 on hygiene, 148–149 on medical specialists, 143 and objective vs. subjective information, 20–21 on quitting tobacco use, 289

right to, 140 subjective vs. objective, 15 validity of, 27 Inguinal hernias, 162 Inhalants, 311 Inhaling, 279 Inherited traits, 9, 171 Injuries accidental, 76, 316–318, 394–395, 401– 402 as cause of nervous system damage, 315 coping with, 222 deliberate, 252, 253, 256 flexibility for prevention of, 57 preventing, 17, 76, 128, 401– 402 related to drug use, 312 responding to. See First aid R.I.C.E. formula for, 70 treatment of, 63 Inner ears, 130 Insulin, 380, 381 Insurance, 144 Integrity, 191 Interests, developing, 176 Interferon, 337 Internal influences, 8 Internet, 27. See also Media Interpersonal communication, 29–30. See also Communication skills Intestines, 102, 104, 105 Intoxication, 307 Involuntary muscles, 61 Iris (eye), 127 Iron, 89

J Job loss, 222 Jobs, access to, 9 Joints, 57, 59, 60, 383

K Kidneys, 105, 305 Kitchens, safety in, 401

L Labels food, 92, 93 medicine, 301, 302 product, 138, 139 Labia, 165 Land pollution, 432– 434, 436– 437 Landfills, 433 Language arts connections, 133, 222, 246 Large intestine. See Colon Laughter, 201 Legal issues with alcohol possession/use, 321 with anabolic steroid use, 79 in decision making, 33 with driving while intoxicated, 307, 321 with drug possession/use, 321 with substance possession/use, 232 and tobacco advertising to young people, 285

Index with unmarried minors and sexual activity, 232 Lens (eye), 127 Leukemia, 371 Lice, 125 Life cycle, 173–175 adolescence and adulthood, 174–175 aging process, 175 birth and infancy, 173 childhood, 174 death and dying, 175 Lifestyle, 316, 317, 355 Lifting, 63, 317 Ligaments, 60 Lighting, outdoor, 257 Limitations in goal setting, 36 recognition/acceptance of, 191 Listening skills, 29, 219 Liver, 104, 305 Liver failure, misuse of medicines and, 303 Long-term disability, disorders that may lead to, 203 Long-term goals, 37 Lunches, 100 Lung cancer, 276, 280, 371 Lung endurance, 56, 68 Lungs, 65, 278, 279, 368 Lyme disease, 334, 335 Lymph, 338 Lymphatic system, 338 Lymphocytes, 338 Lymphoma, 371

M Macrophages, 338, 339 Magazines, 133 Magnesium, 89 Mainstream smoke, 290 Males and abuse, 261 adolescent physical changes in, 156 cancer self-exams for, 374 chromosomes determining, 171 daily food group servings for, 96 reproductive system in, 160–163 Malignant tumors, 370 Managed care plans, 144 Margarine, 89 Marijuana, 309 Math connections, 109, 137, 145, 169 Maturing, individual rates of, 157 Meals, 98–100, 106–107 Measles, 342 Meats, 88, 89, 95, 96, 98 Media, 245 advertising development by, 133–135 analyzing messages from, 284 and buying decisions, 133 and Christopher Reeve, 315 as health influence, 11, 28 as influence on individual and community health, 11 risk behaviors in, 17

as source of information, 27 tobacco ads in, 285 Mediation, 250 Mediators, professional, 269 Medical specialists, 143 Medicines, 300–303. See also specific diseases definition of, 300 misuse of, 303 over-the-counter, 301, 302 prescription, 301 safe use of, 302 Melanin, 122 Memory B and T cells, 339, 340 Meningitis, 300, 315, 316 Menstruation, 164–165, 166 Mental development, 157 Mental/emotional health, 5, 188–207 anxiety disorders, 203 and attitudes/behavior, 192 and avoiding unhealthful behaviors, 197 benefits of physical activity to, 55 and coping with change, 196 and drug/alcohol use, 320 and expression of emotions, 195 interrelationship of physical/social health and, 5, 7, 54 mood disorders, 204 and personality, 189 problems with, 203–207 and recognizing emotions, 194 and respect for individual differences, 192 and self-concept, 190 and self-esteem, 190, 191, 197 sources of help with, 205 strategies for identifying disorders, 203, 204, 205 and stress management, 198–201 and suicide, 206, 207 survey of, 6 and time management, 202 treating problems with, 205 and understanding emotions, 194 warning signs of problems with, 204 Mental health professionals, 205 Mental needs, 221 Messages in advertising, 284 antismoking, 289 carried by neurons, 313 hidden, 133 “I” messages, 219, 246 media, 11 Metabolism, 155 Methanol, 275 Middle ear, 130 Milk, 88, 89, 95, 96 Mineral supplements, 95 Minerals, 89–91, 99 Mirroring thoughts/feelings, 219 Mistakes, learning from, 191 Mononucleosis, 343 Mood disorders, 204 Mood swings, 158, 204, 320

Motor neurons, 313 Mouth, 102, 103, 278 Movies, violence in, 252 Moving, coping with, 222 Mucous membranes, 336 Multiple sclerosis, 315 Mumps, 342 Muscle endurance, 56 Muscles, 57, 59, 61, 62, 78. See also Physical activity and fitness Muscular system, 59, 61–63

N Nail care, 126 Narcotics, 311 National Weather Service (NWS), 410, 412, 413 Natural disasters, 413– 414 Nearsightedness, 128, 129 Negative peer pressure, 228–229 Negative social influences of abuse, 258 recognizing harmful effects of, 231 revenge as, 245 Negative stress, 28, 198 Neglect, 259 Negotiation, 249 Neighborhood Watch programs, 257 Neighborhoods, safety in, 407 Nerve endings, 122 Nervous system, 276, 313–317 Neurologists, 329 Neurons, 313 Neutrality (conflict resolution), 250 Nicotine, 274, 275, 289, 290 NK cells, 338 Noise, 130, 131 Noncommunicable diseases, 364–383 allergies, 365–366 arthritis, 382–383 asthma, 367–369 cancer, 370–375 diabetes, 380–381 heart disease, 376–379 Nonrenewable resources, 438 Nonsmokers, 290–291 Nonverbal communication, 217 Nonviolent confrontation, 248 Nose, 278 Nuclear families, 220 Nurture, definition of, 221 Nutrient-dense foods, 100, 101 Nutrients, 88–89 Nutrition, 88–101, 108–111 and circulatory system health, 68 and Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 90–91 and eating disorders, 110 and food groups, 95–97 and Food Guide Pyramid, 95–97 influences on, 92 and Nutrition Facts panels, 92, 93 and physical activity, 109 and planning healthful meals, 98–100 and serving sizes, 96



Index for skeletal/muscular fitness, 63 for skin health, 124 and snacks, 100, 101 for sports, 77–78 and stress management, 201 for tooth and gum health, 120 and weight management, 108–111 Nutrition Facts panel, 92, 93 Nuts, 88, 95, 96, 98 NWS. See National Weather Service

O Objective information, 15, 20–21 Obsessive-compulsive disorder, 203 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 435 Oil glands, 122 Oils, 89 Olives, 89 Online information. See Health online Ophthalmologists, 128, 143 Optic nerve, 127 Optical illusions, 316 Optometrists, 128 Organs, 59, 168, 169. See also specific body systems Orthodontists, 143 Orthopedists, 143 OSHA. See Occupational Safety and Health Administration Osteoarthritis, 382 Osteopaths, 389 Osteoporosis, 89 OTC medicines. See Over-the-counter medicines Outdoor safety, 404– 409 Outer ear, 130 Ovaries, 155, 165 Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, 301, 302 Overeating and binge eating disorder, 110 emotional confusion and, 197 Overtraining, 78 Oxygen, 65, 278–279, 431 Ozone, 431

P Pacemakers, 378 Pain, 70, 301 Pancreas, 104, 155, 380 Parathyroid glands, 155 Parents, 27, 43, 205 communicating with, 163, 167, 351 health information from, 368, 372 seeking help from, 191, 195, 407 Parents Anonymous, 263 Passive smokers, 290 Pasta, 88, 95, 96, 98 Pathogens, 332–335 diseases caused by, 332 immune system’s response to, 339 immunity to, 340 major barriers to, 336



preventing spread of, 352–354 spread of, 333–335 Peak flow meter (asthma), 368 Pedestrians, safety and, 404, 406 Pediatricians, 143, 183 Peer mediation, 250 Peer pressure, 228–230 and alcohol/drug use, 323 as cause of violence, 253 and decision making, 229 positive/negative, 228, 228 recognizing negative, 231 as source of conflict, 245 Penis, 161 Peripheral nervous system (PNS), 314 Perseverance, 37 Personal emergency plans, 412 Personal fitness program, 69–73 Personal health. See Individual health Personal health care, 120–131 ears, 130–131 eating disorders, 110 enhancing/maintaining through life span, 176 eyes, 127–129 hair, 124–125 making decisions about, 8, 176 nails, 126 skin, 122–124 teeth and gums, 120–122 Personal identity, 159 Personality, 189, 320 Phagocytes, 337 Phobias, 203 Phosphorus, 89 Physical abuse, 258, 259 Physical activity and body composition, 69 definition of, 54 and heart disease, 376 and nutrition, 109 safety rules for, 76 for stress management, 201 Physical activity and fitness, 54–58, 69–79 for circulatory system health, 68 and endurance, 56–57 and flexibility, 57 goals of, 69 for heart and lung endurance, 68 and personal fitness program, 69–73 selection of exercises for, 58 for skeletal/muscular systems, 63 and strength, 55, 56 for stress management, 201 Physical dependence, 283 Physical development, 156 Physical factors, environmental, 9 Physical fatigue, 200 Physical health, 4 behaviors damaging, 232 benefits of physical activity to, 55 interrelationship of mental/emotional/social health and, 5, 7, 54 survey of, 6

Physical needs, 221 Physical risks of drug/alcohol use, 318–319 Physiological changes (during pregnancy), 170 Piercings, 124 Pipes (tobacco), 275 Pituitary glands, 155 Pivot joints, 60 Plaque, 122 Plasma, 66 Plastic surgeons, 143 Platelets, 66 PMS. See Premenstrual syndrome Pneumonia, 280, 344 PNS. See Peripheral nervous system Point-of-service (POS) plans, 144 Poisoning, 402, 421 Polio, 315, 316 Pollen, 365 Pollution, 430– 436 air, 430, 435 and hazardous wastes, 434 land, 432– 434, 436– 437 prevention of, 435– 436 and solid waste, 432– 434 water, 432, 436 Popularity, 230 Pores, 122 POS plans. See Point-of-service plans Positive peer pressure, 228 Positive stress, 28, 198 Positive thinking, 201 Posture, 63 Potassium, 89 Potatoes, 88 Poultry, 89, 95, 96, 98 PPOs. See Preferred provider organizations Preferred provider organizations (PPOs), 144 Pregnancy abstinence for prevention of, 233 care during, 170 development of fetus during, 169 drug/alcohol use during, 315, 319 fertilization, 165 physiological/emotional changes during, 170 related to drug/alcohol use, 312, 319 tobacco use during, 291 use of medicines during, 303 Prejudice, 245, 253 Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), 166 Prenatal health, 170 Preschoolers, 174 Prescription medicines, 301 Pressure points, 420 Prevention, 16 of abuse, 260, 262 of alcohol use, 232, 322 of diseases. See Disease prevention of drug use, 232, 322 of future health problems, 176 of injuries, 17, 76, 128, 142, 176, 401– 402

Index of mental/emotional disorders, 203 of school violence, 256 of sports-related injuries, 76 of substance abuse, 176 of tobacco use, 232, 322 Primary care providers, 143 Privacy, 225, 261 Product labels, 138, 139 Property (as source of conflict), 244 Prostate cancer, 162 Prostate gland, 161 Protective sports equipment, 76, 395 Proteins, 88, 99 Protozoa, 333 Psychiatrists, 143, 213 Psychological dependence, 283 Psychological fatigue, 200 Puberty, 156. See also Adolescence Public health (government health care), 145 Public health specialists, 445 Pulmonary artery, 279 Pulmonary circulation, 65 Pulmonary vein, 65, 279 Pulse rate, 72 Pupil (eye), 127 Purchasing power of teens, 136 Push-ups, 56

R Rabies, 300, 315, 316 Radiation therapy, 372 Reading skills for body systems, 105 for character, 42 for communicable diseases, 333, 337, 353 for conflict resolution, 249, 256, 261 for consumer choices, 134 for drugs and alcohol, 301, 305, 310, 319 for environment, 431, 436 for food and nutrition, 91, 96, 100 for general health, 10, 15 for growth and development, 155, 162, 165, 170 for health care, 144 for health skills, 29, 38 for mental/emotional health, 192, 195, 199, 206 for noncommunicable diseases, 366, 372, 382 for personal health, 125 for physical activity and fitness, 65, 77 for respiratory system, 280 for safety, 397, 401, 408, 419 for social health, 221, 227, 234 for tobacco, 276, 283 Recognition, 36 Recreational safety, 407– 409 Recycling, 9, 437 Red blood cells, 66, 67, 89 Red Cross, 408 Reducing waste, 437 Reeve, Christopher, 315

Refusal skills, 29, 234–235 for drugs/alcohol, 323, 326–327 for risk behaviors, 15 for sexual activity, 180–181 S.T.O.P. formula for, 15, 46– 47, 234 for tobacco, 287 and ways of saying no, 234 Rehabilitation centers, 143 Relationships healthy/unhealthy, 230 influence of positive/negative, 11, 28, 29, 228 Relaxation, 201 Religious leaders, 205 Reproduction, 160 Reproductive cancers, 371 Reproductive systems, 160 female, 164–167 male, 160–163 Rescue breathing, 417, 418 Resentment (in grieving process), 196 Resiliency, 188 Resolving conflicts. See Conflict resolution Resources, nonrenewable, 438 Respect, 40, 224, 259 and demeaning statements, 246 for dignity of others, 191 among friends, 227 and mental/emotional health, 192 from peers, 230 for personal health, 156 and refusal skills, 29 Respiratory system, 276, 278–281, 366, 367 Responsibility, 40, 41, 175, 191, 225, 231, 406 Retina, 127 Reuse of waste, 437 Revenge (as source of conflict), 245 Rh factor, 67 Rheumatic fever, 344 Rheumatoid arthritis, 382, 382 Rice, 88, 90, 95, 96 R.I.C.E. first-aid formula, 70, 421 Richter scale, 414 Risk factors, 14 for abuse, 260 for cancer, 370, 371 for contracting diseases, 10 and personal health decision making, 277 Risk(s), 12, 176 cumulative, 14 of drug/alcohol use, 318–321 reducing/avoiding, 16 types of, 14 understanding, 15 Role models, 42 Runoff water, 432, 436

S SAD. See Seasonal affective disorder Safety, 394– 421 of air, 431

and avoiding abuse, 260 and emergency supplies kit, 412 fire safety, 398– 400 and first aid, 416– 421 in fitness programs, 70 in food handling, 90, 92 with guns, 403 head protection, 316 and injury prevention, 401– 402 with medicine use, 302–303 in natural disasters, 413– 414 with physical activities, 76 in recreational activities, 407– 409 right to, 140 in schools, 9, 256, 401, 403 with sports, 76, 78 in traffic, 404– 406 from violence, 254–255 in weather emergencies, 410– 413 in your neighborhood, 407 Safety consciousness, 394 Saliva, 103, 336 Salivary glands, 103 Salt, 89, 91 Saturated fats, 89, 91 Scalp problems, 125 Schedule, fitness, 70 School counselors, 191, 205, 207 School nurses, 205, 361 Schools risks of drugs/alcohol in, 321 safe, healthy environment in, 9 safety precautions in, 401, 403 violence prevention in, 256 weapons rules in, 256, 403 Science connections blood circulation and gravity, 66 braces, 122 calcium in diet, 89 reducing dust mites, 367 seasonal affective disorder, 204 sore muscles, 78 steroids, 161 tanning beds, 124 vitamin and mineral supplements, 95 Sclera, 127 Scooters, 405 Screenings. See Health screenings Scrotum, 161 Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), 204 Seat belt use, 14 Second-degree burns, 420 Secondhand smoke, 290 Security systems, school, 256 Self-assessment, 6 Self-concept, 190 Self-confidence, 191 Self-control, 246 Self-defense, 254–255 Self-esteem, 190, 191, 197 and drug/alcohol use, 320 and emotional confusion, 197 Self-examinations cancer, 374



Index for females, 167 for males, 163 Self-help groups, 263 Self-management skills, 27, 28. See also Practicing healthful behaviors sem*n, 161 Semicircular canals, 130 Sensory neurons, 313 Separation (of parents), 222 Serving sizes, food, 96, 98 Sewage, 432 Sexual abuse, 259 Sexual activity abstinence from, 16, 232–233, 350–351 disease transmission through, 335 as emotional expression, 232 and HIV, 349 illegal, between unmarried minors, 232 refusal skills for, 180–181 related to drug/alcohol use, 319 Sexual harassment, 259 Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), 346–351 abstinence for prevention of, 233 and drug/alcohol use, 312, 317–319 reducing risk of, 176 Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), 346 Sharing, 225 Shelters, 263 Shock (in grieving process), 196 Shopping, 137–138 Short-term goals, 37 Side effects (medicines), 302 Sidestream smoke, 290 Sight, 127–129 Simple carbohydrates, 88 Single-parent families, 220 Skateboarding, 405 Skating, 405 Skeletal muscles, 61–62 Skeletal system, 59–60, 63 Skin, 90, 122–124, 336 Skin cancer, 371, 374 Sleep, 201 Small-claims courts, 141 Small intestine, 102, 104 Smog, 431 Smoke alarms, 399 Smokeless tobacco, 275, 276 Smoking. See also Tobacco and circulatory system health, 68 fires caused by, 398 legal restriction of, 291 Smooth muscles, 61 Snacks, 100, 101 Snuff, 275 Social development, 159 Social factors acts of revenge, 245 environmental, 9 negative, 231 Social health, 5, 216–235 and abstinence, 232–233 acting responsibly for, 231



benefits of physical activity to, 55 communication skills for, 216–219 and demeaning statements, 246 effective refusal skills for, 234–235 and families, 220–225 and friends, 226–227 interrelationship of mental/emotional/physical health and, 5, 7, 54 and peer pressure, 228–230 survey of, 6 Social risks of drug/alcohol use, 320–321 Social studies connections, 343 Sodium, 89, 91 Solid wastes in environment, 432– 434 human, 105 Song lyrics, violence in, 252 Sound levels, 131 Speaking skills, 29, 219 Specialists, 143 Sperm cells, 161, 165, 171 Spinach, 89 Spinal cord, 314 Spinal cord injuries, 315 Sports, 74–79 age and choice of, 74 and anabolic steroids, 79 and energy use, 77 individual, 75 nutrition for, 77–78 preventing injuries in, 76 protective equipment for, 76 safety in, 76, 78 team, 75 Sports medicine specialists, 85 Sprains, 421 Stairs, safety on, 401 Standardized test practice, 23, 49, 85, 117, 151, 183, 213, 241, 269, 297, 329, 361, 389, 427, 445 Starches, 88 STDs. See Sexually transmitted diseases Step-ups, 56 Sterility, 162 Steroids, anabolic, 79, 161 Stimulants, 310–311 Stirrup (ear), 130 STIs. See Sexually transmitted infections Stomach, 102, 103, 305 acid, 336 ulcers, 276, 305 S.T.O.P. refusal model, 15, 46– 47, 234 Storms, 410, 413 Strategies. See also Decision making for abuse prevention/intervention, 260, 262 for avoiding drug use, 322 for avoiding gangs, 254 for avoiding risk behaviors, 197 for avoiding violence, 254–255 for avoiding weapons, 254 for circulatory system health, 68 for conflict resolution, 249 for coping with family changes/challenges, 222

for digestive/excretory system health, 106–107 for environmental protection, 435– 439, 442– 443 for good health, 90–91 of healthy families, 224 for identifying mental/emotional disorders, 204, 205 prevention as, 16 for prevention of mental/emotional disorders, 203 for reaching fitness goals, 58, 70 for reaching goals, 38, 39 for respecting individual differences, 192 for risk reduction, 16 for self-esteem and self-confidence, 191 for skeletal/muscular system health, 63 Strength(s) focusing on, 191, 192 in goal setting, 36 physical, 55, 56, 58 Strep throat, 344 Stress, 28, 198–200 and emotions, 199 and family health, 28, 198, 222 Stress disorders, 203 Stress management, 28, 201 and asthma, 369 and heart disease, 379 learning, 210–211 Stressors, 198–199 Stretching exercises, 57, 71 Strokes, 109, 276, 305, 378 Students Against Destructive Decisions, 321 Subjective ideas, 15, 20–21 Substance use/abuse, 311. See also Drugs and chemical dependency, 320 and commitment to abstinence, 232 legal issues with, 232 prevention of, 176 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, 291 Sugars, 88, 91, 97, 98 Suicide, 206, 207 Sun exposure and cancer, 374 and ozone layer, 431 and skin health, 124 Supplements, vitamin and mineral, 95 Support groups, 263, 289, 322 Support systems, 205 Surface water, 432 Surgery for cancer, 372 eye, 129 for heart disease, 378–379 Swallowing, 103 Syphilis, 347 Systemic circulation, 65 Systems, body. See Body systems

T T cells, 338, 339, 348 Tact, 218, 219

Index T.A.L.K. strategy, 249–250 Talking (stress management), 201 Tanning beds, 124 Target heart rate, 72, 274, 275 Tartar, 122 Tattoos, 124 Teachers, help from, 205 Team sports, 75 Tears, 336 Technology, health influences of, 11 Teeth and gums, 103, 107, 120–122 Television, 245, 252 Tendons, 60 Territory (as source of conflict), 245 Testes (testicl*s), 155, 161 Testicular cancer, 162 Testosterone, 161 Tetanus, 316 Thinking abilities during teen years, 175 critical, 31 positive, 201 subjective vs. objective, 15, 20–21 Third-degree burns, 420 Thunderstorms, 413 Thyroid gland, 155 Ticks, 334, 335 Time family, 224 management of, 201, 202 Tinnitus, 131 Tissues, 168, 169 Tobacco, 274–277, 282–291 abstinence from, 16, 232, 233 addiction to, 282–284, 286 and air pollution, 435 avoiding, 287 benefits of not using, 287 effects of, 276 forms of, 275 and heart disease, 379 illegal use of, 232 industry regulation, 276 nonsmokers and effects of, 290–291 quitting use of, 288–289 reasons for using, 285–286 substances in, 274, 275 Toddlers, 174 Toenails, 126 Tolerance, 284, 308 Tooth decay, 91, 120, 122, 276 Tornadoes, 411 Toxic shock syndrome (TSS), 166 Trachea, 103, 278 Traffic safety, 404– 405 Tranquilizers, 311 Trustworthiness, 40, 43, 227 TSS. See Toxic shock syndrome Tuberculosis, 280, 343 Tumors, 370

U Ulcers, 305 Ultraviolet (UV) rays, 124, 128 Umbilical cord, 169

Unhealthful behaviors, avoiding, 197 Unintentional injuries. See Accidental injuries Unit pricing, 137 Unsaturated fats, 89 Unworthiness, feelings of, 191 Ureters, 105 Urethra, 105, 161 Urine, 105 Urologists, 143 U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), 90, 95 Uterus, 165 UV rays. See Ultraviolet rays Uvula, 103

V Vaccines, 300, 315 for colds, 340 for hepatitis, 343 for HIV, 350 schedule for vaccinations, 345 for tuberculosis, 343 vagin*, 165 Vaginitis, 166 Values, 32–33, 221, 229 for good character, 40 individual differences in, 192 as source of conflict, 245 Vegetable oils, 89 Vegetables, 89, 90, 95, 96, 98 Veins, 64, 65 Ventricles, 65 Verbal communication, 217 Victims of abuse, 260–261 of crimes, 254–255 risk for becoming, 321 Villi, 104 Violence, 252–257 causes of, 253–254 in communities, 257 deliberate injuries from, 252, 253 prevention of, 254–256 protection from, 254–256, 407 in schools, 256 strategies for avoiding, 254–255 teens and, 253 Viruses, 333 cold, 341 HIV, 348–350 spread of, 335 Vision, 127–129 Visual arts connections, 5 Vitamins, 89, 90, 99, 123 supplements, 95 Vocational goals, 37. See also Careers Voluntary muscles, 61 Volunteering, 142, 158, 197, 226, 322

W Warm-up exercises, 71 Warranties, 138 Waste management, 436– 437, 442– 443

Wastes biodegradable, 432, 433 hazardous, 434 human, 104–105 Water conservation of, 439 contaminated, 334 in human body, 105 as a nutrient, 89, 107 playing sports and, 77, 78 pollution of, 432, 436 Water safety, 408 Water-soluble vitamins, 89 Weapons, 253, 403 and individual and community health, 9 school rules against, 256, 403 strategies for avoiding, 254 Weather emergencies, 410– 413 Weight and alcohol tolerance, 306 and diabetes, 380, 381 and fad diets, 111 healthy, 108 and heart disease, 379 management of, 108–111 Wellness, 7, 108 Wellness exams, 142, 345 White blood cells, 66 Win-win situations, 250, 251 Withdrawal, 282, 288 Womb, 165 Working out. See Exercise(s); Fitness Writing skills for body systems, 102 for character, 40 for communicable diseases, 332, 336, 341, 346, 352 for conflict resolution, 244, 248, 252, 258 for consumer choices, 132, 136 for drugs and alcohol, 300, 304, 309, 318 for environment, 430, 435 for food and nutrition, 88, 94, 98, 108 for general health, 4, 8, 12 for growth and development, 154, 160, 164, 168, 173 for health care, 142 for health skills, 26, 31, 36 for mental/emotional health, 188, 194, 198, 203 for nervous system, 313 for noncommunicable diseases, 364, 370, 376, 380 for personal health, 120, 127 for physical activity and fitness, 54, 59, 64, 69, 74 for respiratory system, 278 for safety, 394, 398, 404, 410, 416 for social health, 216, 220, 226, 231 for tobacco, 274, 282, 287

Y Yogurt, 95, 96



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