The Daily Chronicle from De Kalb, Illinois (2024)


Leo Turman of Rushvllle. Neb, who stayed 'At 'Meeting for Officers ht Thurnlay. Kept 23 of Hyramore enjoyed havlnf DcuIahHall Is Marrictl wvnal of her family With her rein Mr. and Mrs A. L.

Johnson ot R.iriini?ame. CallC were Sunday afternoon and evening. They were Mr. and Mrs, on Wednesday guests Wednesday until Won- at Kirkland J. Morrow and daughter, Monday nigni, iepi.

40. KiiARitONA Future Farm KINCSTON On Saturday, Debbie. Tark Forest; the Pf. ert A. Dennia family.

Sua- ra of Amerka oincara ana Mr. and Mrs. Cory sna airs, riizaheth Recknof took them iha inatructor. Mr. 1 finer, at more and the Theodore J.

Soli to tha airport in unicago Urine: Held la Record tended a training school and Oct 1. I960, 7:30 p.m. Beuian Hall and Marvin L. Ecklund wtra united In marrUge at the Kirkland Methodist Church family of Genoa. where they emplaned lor tail dlner for Section Jbevtn fornla.

BUIlion Dollar Rail achools held Wednesday at with Rev. John Cox read Mendota. Thera were training classes ling the, double ring aervlce. Mr. and Mra, rranklln HaU larui.air.

and Elmer Eck BETUBNS HOME nrvna Mrs. Lottie Aken By ALBLX DBEB9 for the officers, and a buaineas OPEN BOWLING THURSDAY aon. to am. pan. to Closing WELCOUE-IAHES Dniirtl rrM UtemaUoaal mew YORK A Cuatema meeting whHh followed tne hag returned to her home In if lund, all of Kingston, art the JUn diplomat and three other Ponaford.

Minn, following tuak'miall at tha homa i Ut rt-h Afflcer reoorted to a parent. Mr Richard Kelsev sang "I kfpaiate imlnr at -wttichr the -r tnen were neia in rrcora mu c'' i'nra Kali In th imlitl aon. CarroU Aken and family. Low You Tmly. duties Of lus on ice were con Waraatleiial -4 Prayer' and "Because," a cobpanied by Mrs.

Cry fch- rinr thai ae- sidered. The open meeting aft-Included addresses ly.U pi4taj4 -1r tor lund at tht organ, Tha bride, elven in marrlagt of the state organization. yM. Wi 4 Gary Krahenbuhl of Mao- by her father, waa charmingly att(rd In a eown of Imoorted bona waa elected section i .1 fries the Imagination in Ita Sutude." Federal narcotics seents ar- bested tht lour me at fun- point on a crowded Manhattan 1 Street Monday and confiscated Jpura haroin worth KQ miUlon 1m tht Illicit market. i U.

S. Attorney S. Hazard G-E EMPLOYEES! Chantilly lace over satin designed with acoop( neckline, embellished with pearls and se Present from Shaooona were Richard Benson, non 1 Have vou found yourself short of money at this L. if let coMMUNrrV loan quins, fitted bodice and Jong Mulflna, Richard Larson, Larry Harju. and Gary Kra- DOUBLE PARXIN'G--Llttla mls doeant mind where nap, Just ao aha geU her 40 Two-month-old Lori Anna Terry wu momentarily placed oa the hood of a eat oo tha dock at Honolulu, HawaU.

Her parenta Army and Mrs. Rosa Terry, of Lake Jackaon. had to see be VoTr frienda in need. BORROW TIIE CASIIa. sleeves extending Into points.

The full chapel train extended from the bouffant skirt Her henbuhL Gillespie aald the heroin seizure was the largest tingle nar-rottcs haul ever made in thi country. Maurtdo Rosal. 58, Guatema tan envoy to Belgium and the silk Illusion veil was caught to about ship arrangements back to tne mainland. GUESTS ROLLO Recent guests of cloche of lace over satin ana THEREBY HANGS A TALE These four fair UdJet won ponytail contest at th. Michigan Stats Jrt la iDetmL Froralower left, clockwise, are Bonne Hunt, 6 Northrffle; Linda Senchen, 9.

of Detroit; JacqueUne Smith, 12, Romulus, and Debra RaaUe, 7, of St Clair Shores. Md oearls. Mr. snd Mrs. J.

W. Cory were VISITS SON Beulah Ecklund sister of the Genoa-Kingston ign scnooi in Netherlands, waa laeruuiea 1957 and attended one year at groom, was maid of honor and HINCKLEY Mrs. Alice Leifheit accompanied by her federal agents aa tne amug fcllng rlng'a chief courier. NO PAYMENTS DUE UNTIL NOVEMBER! Quick, evidential SertU Phone Mf, Coming In For Evn Serviced wore a two-tone cold saiin Northern Illinois University. She Is employed In the IBM daughter.

Mrs. Harold Ander AVOID COSTLY SEPTIC TANK TROUBLES dress with scoop "neckline fit mrvan ooerations by the Young Adults I Ht wu aaid to have flown In Wm France Sunday with French Surete, the secret po- aon of Malta, Mrs. Herbert Holderman and Mrs. Robert department at Leich Electric Company In Genoa. The groom graduated from Kirkland High ted bodice with full skirt.

The bridesmaids wore identical dresses to that of the maid of Bthan 110 pounds of uncut nrnrurtd from Middle Uce. Thl ootratlon defies the Schlatter motored to Dixon of Malta to Start Project School in 1955 and is employed Friday where they visited their feast narcotic auppllera honor in mist creen. AH wore use at Leich Sales in i.enoa. Imagination in its magnitude." said George Gaftney, head of the Federal Narcotics Division satin matching bow hats with sort and brother, Laverne at the Dixon State Hospital. They tfAfTA TK.

Vrtitniv AffllUal- Guests were from Belvidere, ngel halo veil of net illusion through underworld sources in Marseilles. He apparently used tils diplomatic immunity from knatoma aearch to smuggle the of the Malta Methodist Church Their bouauets were of yellow report him as feeling fine, and Harvard, Capron, DesPlalnes, here. Eniivaior stoat odors (Eailtorj in the afternoon took him for Sunday evening, Oct. 2. 1 and gold chrysanthemums.

Rockford, Elgin, Fort Sheri Rosal and his alleged con-j met feWitj uvrt brlitved to have, with a drive to the White Pines at dan. Dalton. Svcamore, Naper- 34 members and guestt xhev were Marion Hall and LOAN CORPORATION I Bawofies waste I made twice-monthly narcotics! present. After a fellowship Patricia Johnson, cousins of ville. Itasca, Glen Ellyn, King Oregon.

1 RoaaJ and French mystery hum Etienne Tarditi, 56. aaid 1 1 KJ nniinfla reactivates sluggish tank deliveries here for the past dinner devotions were given the bride. Judy Rollins, cousin of the bride was flower girl and Douglas Blank, also a ston, Oak Park, Manomet, Champaign, Genoa and the state of Maryland. LUTHER LEAGUE MEET rorCTHV Th Vnnna year. by Mrs.

manes Monne ana a Th.f was whv GillesDie ask study class on the re(gn of LARRY SPOTJEN, MANAGER. 204 East Lincoln Highway Phone 6-6381 Gordon Hardware S14 East Lincoln Hwy. Phone a-4511 Peoples Luther League will cousin, was ringbearer. ed for the unusually high bail Solomon was presented by The tapir is South America's meet at the church on Wed Robert Gilmore. served of $250,000 each for tne iourjMrs.

james wuireu ana Airs. largest game animal nesday evening at 7:30 as best man. Groomsmen Were mm mta one million dollars in all Donald JordaL Af Kail th fniir mrni TS cyrAitn rt A trk 'fWf to navt amuggim heroin last Saturday, rendezvoused In Manhattan Monday with Trans World Airlines purser Charles Bourbonnais. 89, and Brooklyn longshoreman Nicholas Calamaris. 47.

That was when a swarm of about 75 narcotics agents, guns drawn, pounced on a xi and station wagon In which the lour men were riding and Richard Keisey, Roy Hall. were held in the L'. S. Houje o'jpart in me project of painting riotontinn oendinc a hearing! roorns in the narson- Thomas Hoffman and Donald Peterson were ushers. A reception was held In the October 17.

iney were cnargeu A committee was ap- wun conspimiy iu iuii- pointed to maKe plans ior me narcotics law, which carries prcparatin of Christmas box- church basem*nt for about 200 guests. Mrs. Clarence WhiUcre poured coffee and Mrs. Ralph served punch. Oth MavimiiMM I I Joe Hayes invites you to meet sentence oi ur in ani.nrv 1 1 1 i ir i C5 Ior l0iai men forced them to the curb.

urea tnem io me itji uauuiu Rosal immediately claimed years in prison and a fine oljhonl( and abroad. fliDiomaac inuiwn" Th? next meeting will be ers assisting were Mrs. June Ecklund. Marjorie Hall, Lillian Eekiund, fJancy Hoffman, Mary Ellen Peterson and Nova ENTERTAINS CLUB November 6 at the (church with the men preper- l- Mf? IM1 inC an. ovster and chili supper ter entertained the Rollo, rj Johnson.

wniic 1 1 1 tio.i eiuu am For their wedding trip to Ft Bndge Club weanesoay i wi search and arrest, but federal agents had checked in advance find that since Rosal was ccredited by Guatemala to 'present that country in Bel-ium and the Netherlands-end not the United States-U-hile here he did not enjoy (he privileges of diplomatic Cnihunity. I The arrests of the four men I jiiiHcrdalp the bride luncheon. Guests as suosti Lov' vile mall chose a roval blue dress withr tuie payers r.c of tnis eVent. Benson of Sandwich and Mrs black accessories and carried the orchid from her weddine W. B.

Hvde of Ejrlville. In; mM. Mrs. Gene Baker anrii VISITS COUSIN bouauet. Upon their return in about ten days, the couple will Mrs.

M. O. Svendsen merited i GENOA OUie Nelson of Mrs. Baker Los Angeles, Calif, spent Fri- dm mm mmm reside in an apartment in Kirkland. IwUt-up caw will be hostess at the day afternoon with her cousin tiarcoucs agrn a Wednesday.

Oct The bride graduated from Horace Barber. in I I 1 1 r. u- eM 1MMWI II I I 1 I I II 111 I II llll I I I II 1 II 1 I 111 III III! I I A eaaaeaipMawajMaaaiaw MN IqaiMallMiialaMMWeaaaawaaaMiii aamaaaaiaii aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaMeMSeeMSeaseaieMiaeaeaseaMaiaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaiii BHI WM c. A. I iA1.j' mo c-.

LfU uuvi ruuuuuu Jl10P Ml Lilly 5 Headquarters for Work Clothes I 8-inch BOOT 8-inch BOOT Men's 1 Special tanned khaki Storm welt. Extra WORK SHOES I 471 3 hide, cushioned heavy cushioned rib tl JJ i X) 1 9 Wor, inaoU, Vo.d I 3L ff UL welt. 21 Iron Superlite Valu door wear. Comfort- f'tr I 1 rzjZL-LL- cork sole and heel to able, long lotting, I I 11 mmmmmmm- match leather les, Cfl MQC y. economical.

Buy Jty 'V I Waa leather. rclu I I IMPERIAL' Aiiinco's mosi? cxvvei(y car 7 I $13.93 FLANNEL A IK I Value SPORT SHIRTS $io95 fl I m3 I nilFIV 01 the new Newport- a full-size Chrysler in a new, lower price range rl LETS GO HUNTING FuD Lcniihs Wool and Cashmere FnHy Lined $12.95 118.53 Values SUltCOAT SPECIAL Bright cattee ploid flea. el thirft far wamtk. S-M-UXL 1 Dickie Ranch Jeans tepeBeaf DadtOorh HcaiiagCIbflni ilvy Lccgaa tee ICalf lottw Paan Weak ad Wear orth Central We want to ahow y'ou around our ihowrobm 'and apotl shop. nt intrfir vmi to otrr at of sxt.trainerl mecinnica.

V't AV Att' efc Cfeek Jacket J. a 7 0 Aalfceeiie Cowteyraate'1 U'4-ea. Deataa i Carded Slacks for LtCasaaI Wean- Taa, attack, aVwoee ue 'SlseaseM 3.95 Shel Belt $1.1 But, moat of an we'd like to demonstrate all that a new about the new If J1 I Imperial and Chrysler. VUOTOItS, INC. Utfler Whether yw're after the beet buying 424 leaf Utcakf rCjVwey.

PeKeffc. car you're drirxnx now, we rt in busxneai to see that you ret it. bwp in soon and aay hello. -i t-j- ui-rTf INC URPLU Tee eei eae4 ea NCM teVvke, eJweyil i 3o fecne $-7303.

The Daily Chronicle from De Kalb, Illinois (2024)


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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.